will there be another option once The web version is retired?I really would love to continue to use this option for export on my current OS.
Im using Windows Vista for now.
— Thanks for taking the time to try out crosswalk and XDK and letting us know the good and bad. It really helps us know what we have to do next.
Astro The build problem was resolved. A logging option was left on and the disk filled up. I did a couple builds and it works fine now.
RookieDev There is a web based interface to the build system. We are going to retire it in a few months but you can use it for now.
I don't have enough points to post a url so I had to mangle it. Cut/paste and get rid of the X between http: and //
'start a new app', 'create your own from scratch' 'start with a project bundle' Export from c2 for android. Create a zip file with index.html in top level. Upload that bundle. Click next.You will be in appcenter and select 'build as mobile app' and the 'crosswalk'.
If you want to update the zip file, export from c2 again. Make a new zip. Go to appcenter. 'Update QA' to upload the new bundle. 'Promote' to put it in the production slot. Then build.
This is much easier from XDK so we should find a way for you to use it. Are you on windows XP? What problem do you see?