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  • Hey, I remember months ago I was trying to make an RTS game and I got stuck with RTS movement mechanics such as the sprite collisions. As I remember, I searched through ANY post made on this topic and could not find a proper answer on path finding sprites overlapping eachother and how to stop them, so this is kind of my last resort... IS THERE ANY WAY to replicate pathfinding sprite movements NOT to overlap but to sort of bounce off eachother and or stay in rows smartly, kind of like this video ill attach here:

    (and please dont reccomend adding or subtracting random coordinates for each sprite, its just not a really good workaround... I want it to be sort of similar to the video above)

    If anyone has ever succeeded in making such a movement system for sprites on Construct, advice would be appriciated, thank you.

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  • I dont know if you have tried this or not, but what I ususally do to import long animations with multiple frames is export each frame individually, place them in their designated folder, and as long as they're numerically in order, selecting all of them while importing into Construct animation editor usually does the trick.

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Member since 3 Nov, 2017

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