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  • Thanks for replying

    OK - so lets see if I've got this right (again, please remember i'm new to all this)

    An Addon and a plugin are two distinct things - Addons are things like Data & Storage, Form Controls etc? whereas plugins are third-party code designed to bridge specific gaps?


    I think you've done everything that should be done in Construct which is calling the social-sharing function (window.plugins.socialsharing.share) - I've not done this - where do I need to add (window.plugins.socialsharing.share) ?

    • You will be using to build your APK. - just checked this url out - it's a paid service, correct? I'm guessing the $9.99p/m option is the one everyone goes for?
    • In Construct, Export your project to Cordova - makes sense, both Android and iOS (although I don't know what Cordova actually is)
    • In the export folder, find config.xml then add the following before the </widget>:

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" spec="5.1.7" /> - yep, found that.

    This line tell the Phonegap build to install the social sharing plugin for you (like the one you downloaded)

    • In the dashboard create a new app and upload the export folder. - I'll look at this once I've finished the app and signed up etc.

    Before you try, ask if it's possible to make the Scirra build service install that plugin for you (assuming you use the paid version of C3) - I'll ask Scirra this, but not 100% sure what it is I'm asking or where to ask.


    Again, thanks for your help. Looks like getting this thing live isn't as straight forward as I'd hoped. I'm sure it will all make sense once I've got a couple of published apps under my belt.

  • -Phonegap plugins has nothing to do with C3 addons (plugins and behaviors).

    -Which build service are you using: Scirra build service ? ? or locally using the Cordova CLI ?

    If you are using the Scirra build, I don't think SocialSharing is supported yet.

    Thanks for replying.

    I've no idea what build service I'm using. To be honest I've no idea what that means.

    I've 99% created a game in C3 to be deployed on iOS, Android and Windows phones and just need to hook up the social sharing button and a screengrab button. As this is my first game I've yet to export etc, so I don't know what that stage entails.

    From what I've seen of the PhoneGap addon in this tutorial ( it seemed straightforward enough but there doesn't seem to be a .c3addon file to add.

    Am I going in the wrong direction or are there other steps to complete before I use the PhoneGap addon etc?

  • Perhaps something along the lines of...

    System > Score = xxx > System > Go to layout (layout name)

    * Replace this with your required variables...

  • Oh right, thanks.

    Can anyone recommend a plugin that allows social sharing? (sorry to hijack the thread).

  • My Ultimate Ads plugin works both with C2 and C3. For PhoneGap, Cocoon, and Cordova CLI. It's not a free plugin but it works and even supports Rewarded Video ads.

    I'm happy to help in case of any issues, as a full-time programmer I keep all my plugins up to date all the time.

    Hi - I'm new to the whole addon thing so might be asking a question that's obvious to those that already know, but does your plugin (the PhoneGap one) allow for social sharing? Would this be what I need to add to my social button that brings up the phone's 'share on...' feature?

  • This is what I see on my iPhone 6s Plus...

    I can see there's something going on under the banner ad, but i don't know what...

  • Hello all - don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but here goes...

    I'm pretty new to Construct - I've not installed any addons yet, but I've downloaded and am trying to install the PhoneGap plugin and have downloaded the following files:

    I've found the Addon Manager in the Menu - but the manual says I can only install .c3addon files, but there are no .c3addon files in the PhoneGap plugin folder.

    Can anyone let me know which files I have to install and how to install them.

    Also, is PhoneGap the best addon to use for adding to a social share button on your app?


  • Good game. Simple and fluid and the sounds effects are crisp and clear.

    One thing I did notice is there’s a display area at the top of the screen that has info in (possibly number of lives etc) that is covered by the banner ads. Might want to resize the play area to take these into account.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • OK - so i'v found the Addon Manager in the Menu - but the manual says I can only install .c3addon files, but there are no .c3addon files in the PhoneGap plugin folder.

    Can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong or how install this plugin, if indeed it it the right plugin?


  • I'm following the tutorial and on page 3 it tells me:

    [quote:1956bz4e]Then head back to the Local key exists event and add the action "System > Set value" and set the variable to "ScreenshotLink" and use the value "WebStorage.LocalValue("Screenshot")"

    ...but C3 doesn't let me enter this value, instead I have entered: this correct?

    Also on page 4 I have to download and install he PhoneGap plugin. I've downloaded it, but have never installed a plugin before. Which of the downloaded files do I need to install and where?


  • Thanks for replying.

    So looks like there’s no real benefit to share solely on Facebook for an extra life if there’s no guarantee the user will actually share. So instead I’ve beeen looking into sharing high score screenshots on social media.

    I’ve found the following tutorial for C2 ( ... oid/page-3) but on page 3 it mentions webstorage - any idea how I adapt this for C3 and use localstorage?


  • In my game when a player loses a life, they can get one back by sharing a message on Facebook that advertises the game.

    How would I go about implementing this? Is it a kind of In App Purchase?

    If so, which tutorial do I need to read?

    Thanks all

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