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  • This is my first post. Woo!

    I have something occurring that doesn't make sense. I've banged my head long enough and need some more eyes on it... Hopefully someone sees something obvious!

    I have a character and an object. I want to hit Space to pick up or put down the object. Super rudimentary right now. I have a boolean on my Player called "equipped". I check on every tick to see if it is true and set the position of the object to teh Player if so. Pickups worked just fine! Then when I added the put down, it just stopped working. There seems to be a conflict, but it's not obvious to me. Here's the event sheet:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Event 11 works if 12 is disabled, but 12 overrides 11 if they are both enabled. This doesn't make sense to me since the condition for 12 is not true (i'm rendering the boolean to a text value to make sure)

    This is also running on Every Tick, but seems fine:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Thanks for any help!

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Member since 3 Mar, 2013

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