GabeOfThrones's Forum Posts

  • That seems like different behavior than I was seeing. For me it was executing on only the first item in the block as if the second wasn't there. Bizarre.

  • Oh weird. It does seem like something that should work. It's just a check.

    I'd rather not post my entire game capx. It seems an easy thing to reproduce in a couple of steps? The only behavior on my "cigarette" object is the timer. Both events work fine alone or if they are the first event in the "or" block.

  • Interesting. Is there a list of "triggers"? Thanks for the quick reply!

  • I had a pickup object on which I wanted to call a function "pickup()" if the player rolled over it with the mouse OR after an on timer event on that object. I set up both events and tested them. They both worked:

    When I combined them into an OR block, it would only work on the first event in the block. If I switched the order, the first would always work, but it would never trigger if the second event in the Or block was triggered.

    Is there something obvious I'm missing here? Are there any known issues with Or blocks? Or is checking for a cursor over an object somehow incompatible with checking for an on timer event? Both seem impossible, yet... it doesn't work. I have Or blocks all over the place that work, so I'm pretty sure it's set up properly...

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  • ArcadEd - Huh. I had height and depth at 1 and 0 before, but I just changed them to 1 again and it worked. I must've had something else wrong before... Thanks!

    Not sure why that makes a difference though...

  • Why does my text read "0" rather than "it worked"?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I was just about to type this post and found this. +1 for global/local booleans!

  • GeometriX wow. thanks a ton for going to that effort! i forgot i reimported the walk and it cleared the image point for that. i'm not sure i understand why the hair needs to be re-pinned... it's already pinned. I thought setting the position was all that was necessary...

    Thanks again.

  • GeometriX Weird. That is the exact set of events I'm using. It's just not working for me.

    Here's the capx.

    Check out the "Idle" and "MirrorAccessories" functions on the Pathfinding Event sheet. The hair is random, and no hair is an option, so if you don't get any, just restart.

  • ramones hair is definitely mirrored. Steps:

    onwalkright: (works)

    set human = !mirrored

    set hair = !mirrored

    onwalkleft: (offset issue)

    set human = mirrored

    set hair = mirrored

    Later tried:

    onwalkleft: (still offset)

    set human = mirrored

    set hair = mirrored

    set hair to human position at image point

  • GeometriX I did update the hair's position and even tried unpinning and repinning, but I get the same results. When you say update the pin, is there a way to refer specifically to the pin? Like Hair.Pin.X or something?

  • I have hair that I'm pinning to a character's head at a specific image point. It aligns perfectly when facing right. When I mirror the character and the hair to walk left, the hair is offset by 10 or so pixels on the X (no offset on the Y).

    I tried resetting the position of the hair to the image point to try to override it in case movement shifted it slightly, but it stays the same. When the character goes right again, it mirrors back to the perfect alignment.

    It seems like the image points don't mirror perfectly. Has anyone else run into this? I saw a thread from 2 years ago about it, but it was using old terminology and didn't have a conclusion...

  • Weird. I'm using Chrome. It only happens with the search. All other links open in the same window. So, there's no target="new" on those? I wonder if it's some weird Chrome setting.