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  • GeometriX I did update the hair's position and even tried unpinning and repinning, but I get the same results. When you say update the pin, is there a way to refer specifically to the pin? Like Hair.Pin.X or something?

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  • I have hair that I'm pinning to a character's head at a specific image point. It aligns perfectly when facing right. When I mirror the character and the hair to walk left, the hair is offset by 10 or so pixels on the X (no offset on the Y).

    I tried resetting the position of the hair to the image point to try to override it in case movement shifted it slightly, but it stays the same. When the character goes right again, it mirrors back to the perfect alignment.

    It seems like the image points don't mirror perfectly. Has anyone else run into this? I saw a thread from 2 years ago about it, but it was using old terminology and didn't have a conclusion...

  • Weird. I'm using Chrome. It only happens with the search. All other links open in the same window. So, there's no target="new" on those? I wonder if it's some weird Chrome setting.

  • This is just a minor thing, and there might be a reason why it works this way, but I'd like to request that the search result links don't open a new window. I find that I search a lot and after just a few minutes I have 10+ tabs open and I have to go back and close them. It's easy for me to right click and open in new tab if I want a new tab, but 99 times out of 100 I just want to go to the link in the same window. I can always use the back button if it's not what I was looking for. The rest of the website doesn't operate this way, so it would be consistent. Thanks for listening to my <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />!

  • I am at the same point here. I want to store static data for my game, but my options seemed to be setting up an external file (XML, JSON) and loading it into variables or dictionary keys or just hardcoding it. I decided to go with the latter, and I just use event sheets per level to set everything up. It's pretty much the same amount of overhead, but everything is in-app, so my workflow is a little tighter. The downside is that it's less elegant to edit than a text file. It is easier to read dialog flow though, since I can see the text in the event, rather than just some key ID being set.

    The ultimate would be to allow you to set dictionary keys before run-time.

    I'd love to hear of any successful cases of an elegant C2 dialog system. I couldn't find any in my searches...

  • I'm sure games (entertainment) are far different than regular software, but here's some interesting data presented by Jesse Schell at DICE:

    I agree that I probably wouldn't have tried C2 without a free version. Unless there was a trailer that blew my mind.

  • Will do. Thanks!

    Regarding the missing sprites on import... do they need to be nested in a particular folder?

  • Ashley thanks for the response! Yeah, I'm using the current beta to try this. I did fresh downloads of everything yesterday. It seemed like everything imported correctly but the sprites themselves. And when I ran the game I got an error. I'm sure I'm missing some easy step.

    It seems like animation in C2 is a whole different beast when working with the scmls. Is there documentation on which properties/conditions/actions/etc are available? I see that it's very early in the process, but I'd like to tool around with the stuff you guys have working. ;)

  • If you want 5 to spawn for each floor you could write a simple "for" loop that spawns and positions the first one above the floor in a particular spot and increments the X by your desired amount for the subsequent coins. If you want the position of the whole 5 coin chunk to move around some, you could figure out a range for the starting position and randomize the X and Y for that. You could also randomize the number of coins in a row just by limiting the for loop.

    Simple example:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I could be wrong, but those coins don't look random. If it's an endless runner, it may be grabbing random floor chunks, but those coins looked precisely placed for a better platforming experience. They probably had something scripted to grab a specific coin layout for a specific length of floor.

    That's not the example you requested, but if this game is what you're looking for, it's probably more crafted than it appears.

  • Murad96 Your origin points on your walk are all over the place, that's why he's warping around. Open your animation, edit the origin (recommend hitting 2 on your number pad to center it at the bottom) then right click on the origin point in the window and "apply to all animations". He'll stop warping around then, but you'll need to set your events up differently to have it work smoothly. Lot's of tutorials to help you with that...

  • I just installed the plugin and dragged the demon in. I got an error and it created an empty object with no sprites attached to it. Is there any documentation about how to properly use this plugin? I searched around on BrashMonkey and C2 forums and came up short.

    I've been using Spriter to export sprite PNGs, but those mofos tear like crazy and obviously take up extreme space. I would love to take advantage of this... has anyone successfully imported a boned character?

    What are the limitations? Can you do any blending?

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