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  • That code will open a new pop up window, or does construct block the native behavior?

    I basically want to load the mini game level over the current level, basically blocking and pausing the original level. The continuing and dismissing the mini game if successful or going to the game over screen.

    Still new to Construct, so I'm not sure exactly what HTML and JS options are available.

  • I'm new here, but I've been searching and I can't find an answer. Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology in my searches.

    Here's the background of my game. It's a simple platformer that has a few levels in it. When the main character dies, they will be presented with a mini game. If they are successful in the mini game, they will be able to continue exactly at the point they died. The mini game would be a full screen scene or level.

    I can't figure out how to accomplish this. I don't want to load a new level and lose the current progress and it seems like making a bunch of new layers would be too much overhead, especially for every time the mini game presents itself. I may also want to make different mini games based on progress/level etc.

    In Corona SDK they have a modal popup that could load a new scene over the current scene. Is there something similar?

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  • Hey,

    I'm new to Construct 2. I made a few games with gamesalad, but recently I just felt limited with it. I have been playing with Corona sdk as well.

    During the day I'm a web developer, so I like being able to actually program the logic and really see how the code works. I've heard a lot of good things about Contruct 2 and being able to work with Cocoon.js seems like an awesome combination.


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Member since 26 Feb, 2013

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