<script type="text/javascript">
function popup(){
cuteLittleWindow = window.open("http://localhost:50000/", "littleWindow", "location=no,width=1024,height=1024");
<a href="javascript:popup('red.html')">Here is a popup window.</a>
Copy and paste that into a text editor, and save it.
Run a game from C2 by pressing F5.
Open up a browser, and drag the file onto the browser to run it.
That is the only way I have found so far. I have no idea how to make it dynamically open up a window like that without user clicking on a link first.
I was going to try had get 2 instances of C2 to communicate, but I have not had the time yet. If you get it working please post how you did it, to save us some time :)
I want to use it as a floating tool pallet for my texture editor I am making.