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  • Sounds good I will give it a try and do some research.

    Im thinking Im going to run into a problem with sound effects. If I had sounds for player jumping, will other players hear it on their computer as well. I think I would have to make the sounds heard at a distance near the player.

  • I am still new to construct and the3d stuff is new too. I was wondering if I can get multiple 3d cameras for a multiplayer game with construct? For users logging in from different computers or even if you did a split screen.


  • Hi, I am trying to figure out how to use

    Im making a td game where the projectiles move on the z axis but I need to get a distance to do that.

  • Thank you. I used a family but since 3dsprites and sprites cant be in the same family I compared the unique ids together. I tried parenting it and it didnt work so I just set x,y,z and angle every tick.

    Another question though, this is the project I was working on, and I want to know how to get the mp4 videos to run without taking so long to load? The videos are on another layout so I have it play at start of layout.

  • is dragging label & label.number = 3dshape.number & for each label

    (move 3dshapes angle, zelevation and position to label)

    is NOT dragging label & label.number = 3dshape.number & for each label

    (move 3dshapes angle, zelevation and position to label)

    This seems to not work but even if I changed the dragging conditions to a boolean I think this is not the way I should be doing this.

    It probably has been asked so many times, but, how do I move sprites with different ids to match other sprites with the same id?

  • That is a bird btw I am making a flappy bird top down clone

  • Hello all, my current games I am working on I am bringing over to the beta update to use the new 3D Shape plugin! One this is I dont know how to add collision, I tried:

    sprite compare zelevation >

    sprite>oncollisionwith 3D Shape

    Restart Layout

    But the layout does not restart so I do not think collision will work with this method.

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    Here is the game, you might see how I messed up. There are two versions of the gameplay, "pbot vs piconjo" and "story wip".

    in Pbot vs Piconjo, I used the 8.movement behavior but it still spawned things at an angle. With the story version the background moves at angle and 8movement is used to create an ease while I lerp the player to the middle of the screen. When im faceing different directions the angle is changes all over the place. Like with the torch or basket ball shows this happening. I can send a project file?

  • I need help I already got so far in a game where the player always stays in the middle of the viewpoint but the backgrounds moves and can rotate. I messed up big time with the sprite, making them face upward. Now when I shoot it is always sideways but I cant fix it easily because the way I made the game. If I can change the the sprite's normal would be the easiest route. I have tried changing the bullet's angle of motion but it does not work at all.

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Member since 16 May, 2017

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