move to object position comparing both objects id number

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This is a code so you can see the same skin on all screens (peers). Each peer gets a skin, in addition to 4 directions t
  • is dragging label & label.number = 3dshape.number & for each label

    (move 3dshapes angle, zelevation and position to label)

    is NOT dragging label & label.number = 3dshape.number & for each label

    (move 3dshapes angle, zelevation and position to label)

    This seems to not work but even if I changed the dragging conditions to a boolean I think this is not the way I should be doing this.

    It probably has been asked so many times, but, how do I move sprites with different ids to match other sprites with the same id?

  • It probably has been asked so many times, but, how do I move sprites with different ids to match other sprites with the same id?

    You can use families for that. Define id on the family. Pick one family instance and one sprite instance with the same id. And then you'll be able to refer to both instances in the same event, for example: Sprite MoveTo Family

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  • Thank you. I used a family but since 3dsprites and sprites cant be in the same family I compared the unique ids together. I tried parenting it and it didnt work so I just set x,y,z and angle every tick.

    Another question though, this is the project I was working on, and I want to know how to get the mp4 videos to run without taking so long to load? The videos are on another layout so I have it play at start of layout.

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