Is there any type of test you can do for isplaying?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
So is it a bug, or was something being done wrong? If it is a bug, keep it open, but also share the work around.
In the mean time, the easiest thing to do currently is just lock all layers then use one click to unlock the one you want to work on. Lock it back when you are done. Many less clicks that trying to lock all the other layers everytime you want to work on something. Just unlock the one you want.
sai sronitha Before asking many basic questions you really need to read the manual and do some tutorials. All of this is covered in the basic tutorials and in the manual. You will get much better responses if you ask questions that are not thoroughly covered in the beginners documentation.
And Spriter B4 has been released including the Character Mapping feature! Woot!
Spriter B4 Release
Slow You may want to look at removing the buttons and see if you can implement it using touch and swipes as it is more natural. On screen buttons for touch take away from the action as the player constantly has to look for where the buttons are when their hands shift.... just a thought. Looks good so far...
Yeah, ranks right up there with hitting the new posts link on the forums and setting say the last 6 hours, then as soon as you try to click on page 2, etc... it forgets you want the last 6 hours and switches to the last 5 minutes...
thehen is this done through events possibly? Or do you have to do some custom .js work?
In your animation editing window, go to your first frame and center the origin point (or hit 5 on the number pad) then right click the origin point in the image points list and select apply to entire animation.
How did you get stuck, you have infinite air jumping ability
Preview has a lot of debug overhead.
But-not-as-much-as-I-did-apparently. Although-there-are-times-where-I-prefer-to-underscore_when_I_type_you_know_what_I_mean?
Member since 20 Dec, 2012