Hey everyone,
Some of you may know a classic game called Zelda: Ocarina of Time. You may also know that this game is packed with music. One hour and seventeen minutes to be exact. That's not including the sound effects.
Guess how much room was on a N64 cartridge? 64 megabytes!
Guess how big Zelda: OOT was? 26.4 megabytes!
So we have all the art assets, programming code, sound effects and the one hour seventeen minutes of music all packed into 26.4 megabytes...
Gah, anyways, this was all ten to fifteen years ago. Are there any informed people out there, who may have a way of creating such small sound/music files? Bit-rate is the first obvious option but the quality is beyond garbage and is nothing compared to what was pulled off with N64 games.