spy84's Recent Forum Activity

  • QuaziGNRLnose excuse my curiosity ill buy it right away but first ive got some questions

    1st is there any need of coding with this plugin?cause i dont know almost anything

    2nd do i have to pay again if you update your plugin or you are in the same direction like c2? pay once and use it forever with free updates

    3rd im developing an rtype clone so ill try to mix 2d graphics with 3d objects for more depth.what is the limitation of an objects triangles?the less the best i know.even in unity and udk highpoly models could blow up a machine im not naive, but can c2 and q3d handle at least mid-poly models? i saw the demos and i thought it can.whats your benchmarks show?what is the highest of polys you try and run smooth in your pc?

  • QuaziGNRLnose after all these details i think its time to rename you to "messiah of c2"..

    Ashley you get the jackpot. if the plugin is succesfull the numbers of downloads will increase dramatically. help the "messiah of c2" as more you can.

  • shut up and take my money kind sir...but before this happens answer the people's questions. and another thing why not make a tutorial to show how easy is to work with the plugin in c2 and with three.js how to import objects blah blah blah...a very basic intro for the beginning.

  • great expectations for this plugin...lmt@QuaziGNRLnose thanks for your hard work

  • FGLmatt

    hi there i would like to ask and forgive my english (not my native language) which devices (mainly i mean smartphones and not tablets) are you using for testing if the games run smoothly?which is your weakest smartphone that has lets say "the minimum requirements" and a game must at least run in this device smoothly for accept it? cause i had 3 phones over two years old samsung young and vodafone smart 2 and i have to say that i face a lot of troubles first with the layout of games (many of them are cropped in my browser) and second with the fps (poor performance).

  • every day when i logged in, the first thread that im looking for any updates is this..so as Ize said any news?

  • totally agree with you

  • dear god you're on fire what a progress. I hope Ashley help you with his knowledge with this for the best result. Cause we dont speak here for just a "plugin" but literally (and figurative) about a whole new dimension in C2...

  • Schoening you make my day bro.. i saw last night your example and still dont believe it... f@@#king great!!!

    May ask you in your examples is there any more complex object than a cube that you test? I use blender and there is an option to convert to three.js format btw. May you try the monkey model aka suzanne.

  • back in 2013 i start to make a contra like game. And i got stuck in the controlling of my character. the problem was that when i press lets say the right/or left arrow for movement and at the same time press the up arrow the character run and shoot diagonal. up+right/left= movement to right/left and shoot diagonal.the problem is the mix of those actions. Can you provide the code only with your character moving and shooting?i dont care about anything else (backround images sounds etc.only the moving and shooting codes.thanks in advance.

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  • mischa ashley is not positive for gameclosure plugin in c2 and maybe he was right. dont waste your time for gc. i opened a thread once and discussed the game closure thing but without success. yes its faster in space blaster game than cjs but i think that it has some serious issues, at least that i remember from discussions wiht users that tried to make it work with c2.

  • spy84 please stick to English or provide a translation with your post.

    ok sorry if i translate it, it goes like "you are the man your game is an artistic masterpiece"

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