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  • eli0s re paixtara ti exeis ftiaksei?artistiko aristourgima

  • sorry i understand wrong. now i get what you mean. in my case ive got the same problem but tweaking the image points and origin points ive got an ok result. if you can upload a tutorial it will be very helpfull cause i still have headaches from the day when i tried to animate my robot...

  • i dont know if someone here start a tutorial about maya or max or blender will really help at the end. and maybe its not necessary. But if its good and educated why not


    tutorials of modelling tools from basic to advanced and expert are thousands in the web.

    But if i can help ill tell you that. The first thing to do is to choose your 3d modelling tool.

    I choose blender cause its free of course but its powerfull enough to fullfill most (if not all) of my needs.

    i really cant do a proper tutorial cause my english speech is at very low level and maybe that will be more destructive than creative.

    so ill tell you what i did and i still do. first of all watch many tutorials. youtube and vimeo are full of blender tuts.

    if your sprites are objects (terrains,houses,fences,cars or any object you want) its simple due time and learning via tutorials to model

    if your sprites are animated (from humanoid,robots to seas, fires, cars,mechanisms and tornados) you have to first learn how to do it again via tutorials and there are plenty and then the whole process is very easy.

    you render every frame of the animation save it as .png if you want transparency (most of time), or as .jpeg.

    if you animate lets say a human to run and the animation lasts 30 frames you have to render 30 different images and import it to c2 only for "run" animation (at the process of rendering in blender i choose sampled motion blur on because it smooths the change between frames better) and last but not least the more frames the more smooth result you will get and more ram usage of course...

  • jayderyu you forgot something im not a programmer and i dont know anything about how shaders work i dont know about coding blah blah blah. i only know about 3d modeling and animation and a little bit of audio compositing.. And those are the reasons i choose and pay for c2 personal license. And please we should be honest between us if i know how to coding maybe i dont even post in here but in unity or udk forums. I think that these reasons have brought us here if not everyone at least more than the half of c2 users.

    i just ask for a feature -IF- it is possible to be done. you said that you dont think ashley should do this..Strange but if i remember correct (maybe im wrong) when in another thread we (including you) ask for native apps and not 3rd party wrappers there were people who say to ashley that its not necessary (cause they dont care). Now you do the same. different needs different priorities

    edit: oh and something else if you think that lighting system and 3d can easily done and dont require top end program skills please if you can help with these features do me/us a favour and start make it possible.

  • jayderyu isnt really traditional? please... 3d objects are also not traditional in 2d games but tell me who really dont want them (if its possible of course)? And why we try sometimes pseudo 3d sprites to give more depht to a flat game.

    traditional or not a lighting system its a great tool.

    last week i saw this video and i was amazed.

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    edit: illuminated.js http://greweb.me/2012/05/illuminated-js ... lications/


    there is game demo here: http://impactjs.com/forums/code/impactj ... ows/page/1

  • is the capx file yours or you downloaded? if its not yours maybe it uses a custom plugin so you have to download it and add it in c2 folder.just saying

  • eli0s yes i know i post in the topic too for dynamic lighting. I just want to give more emphasis in this specific feature and thats why i started this topic. Unfortunately i dont see many comments and any interest..for me this feature is vital a huge boost to c2. i dont know if its a tough beast to tackle, BUT if someone said to me a few years ago that there will be a program which without coding knowledge i will be capable to develop my game and build it from pc to nintendo consoles maybe i said the same...thats a tough beast to tackle.

    Hope Ashley see this topic and comment if dynamic lighting is possible.but why not? nothing is unpossible

  • Ashley Is it possible to have a dynamic lighting system in c2? Gamedevelop game engine which (to me) is a "clone" of c2 start something like kickstarter and one of the feature that the developer promised if the project gets funded is dynamic lighting system. Is it difficult? Cause i think many people here wants a feature like this including me of course.

  • derikvlog i faced the same problem cjs dont recognise my zip files. but yesterday ludei update cjs and fixed the problem with the zip file. try to update it

  • PixelPalette thanks a lot my friend best of luck to all of us. Ok when your site is ready let us know.

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  • congrats for the deal. I wish to all of us sell our games cause the process of developing is great (with a few headaches...) but if it ends with some extra $$$ is at least refreshing.

    Anyway i try to open http://pixolpallete.blogspot.com/ but the browser said that is unavailable. I'd like to see your games.specialy the downhill rush game. do you have a new site?

  • 1) Dynamic lighting system

    2) Image editor upgrade

    3) 3d objects support

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