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  • Can I bump this one? I d like to get some feedback on any experiences people may have had. HTML or C3 hand rolled?


  • Thanks so much for this. Very useful! I tested it and ran into a slight issue. The code you sent doesn't account for the # character so if your hex has a # character the resulting colours will be very green.

    If your hex numbers contain # symbols you might want also to add the following line to trim it from the string first:

    set hex to replace(hex, "#", "")

    This way both formats will work. eg 0000ff and #0000ff

    I have attached screenshot..

  • My Javascript function changes hex values to rgb like so:

    localVars.gotColour = hexToRgb("#bceadf");

    The function is returning an object which contains rgb values like so.

    return {r, g, b};

    But how do I get theses into the event sheet as something useable? The gotColour variable is an object with the 3 variables inside, but I cant seem to use it for anything useful. (apart from printing object r:12, g:34 b:34 to the console)

    I would have expected I could do something like the following in the event sheet after the function had been run:

    Set Colour to gotColour //does nothing

    .or this..

    Set Colour to rgbEx255(gotColour[0],gotColour[1],gotColour[2]) //bad syntax

    ..but those do nothing....

    I guess I could write 3 different functions to each get the r,g,b values individually but that seems very messy.

    Any tips?

  • I want to import colour palettes from a JSON file and I find it much tidier to have a single hex value to represent each colour rather than an array of 3 different values (rgb).However, I can seem to find any way in C3 to set colour using Hex values(in code)). (only RGB)

    I figured the best way would be to write a little converter in Javascript, but even though I have the new converted values as an array (eg rgb_array = [r,g,b];) I dont know how to get this back from my Javscript into construct. I can only set values of variables in Construct that are strings, numbers or booleans.


    p.S I tried the plugin called 'CONVERTERCOLORJS (AIOUTE GAO)' but using the following:

    Set Color Colour_Converter.toRGB("#e4646e")

    Didnt do anything to the colour.


  • The answer is:


    Although it would be nice to know how to do it with a tween so I can get more control over the easing.

  • I want a sprite to orbit another sprite by setting the orbit rotation (in orbit behaviour) every frame, but I want the orbiting sprite to smoothly ease to its new position. How do I do this?

    I have tried create a value tween in the update loop and then assigning that value every frame to the Orbit.Rotation value but that seems to make a bit of a mess.

  • The answer is to Tween the property Angle. (Add a tween behaviour) and use...

    angle(Self.X,Self.Y,Mouse.X,Mouse.Y) the tween end value

  • I can use rotateToward to rotate the sprite to the position but I want it to ease in and ease out as I move the mouse. What's the recommended way?


  • Hi, I used the ProUI plugin on a previous game project. A great plugin but which sadly is now seemingly a dead plugin. However, with the rise of the C3 html element plugin and the scene graph, things have become slightly easier than before to create a UI . But for me I am still confused about best practices for UI.

    I have made games/apps with both pure html (for a yellow pages type app) and with the ProUI library in construct 3 (for a game), so I have experience in both, but I'm still not sure if the recommended approach for complex game UI would be raw C3 sprites or pure html...or a mix of the two? When I mean complex UI I mean something like an RPG with crafting/inventory screens etc.

    Personally I love the rigidity and organization of html but I find it difficult to be visual and creative when developing for it. Maybe there are some recommended tools that could help with this?

    I presume html would be the best approach, but if that is the case; are there any recommended workflows? Perhaps people use webflow and bring the code across or maybe there are other faster ways? Webflow looks good, but its pricey.

    Chat GPT does a fairly good job in getting you started, but in cant do any of the texturing/icons artwork. Its only really good for the raw layout and even then you also have a lot of customization work to do afterwards.

    I know that a lot of C3 devs just tend to make casual games that only require a super simple UI, but are there users with any tips or best practices in order to create larger scale UIs?



  • Apologies for not responding.

    In the end I just had my html slide on from the right to save time but I never resolved this. I have had to temporarily move to another project (non construct 3) so I cant address this at the moment, but in the future I hope to come back to investigate more on this. Principally using C3 commands to animate html elements.

  • I have a html window (element) that I can position off the right side of my screen fine, but when I try to position less than x =0 (off to the left of the screen) the html window wont move below 0 (eg x=-50). Why could this be?

    I'm am doing all the positioning using the c3 event sheet.



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  • Ha ha. Like my brain. Okay cheers.

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