I want to import colour palettes from a JSON file and I find it much tidier to have a single hex value to represent each colour rather than an array of 3 different values (rgb).However, I can seem to find any way in C3 to set colour using Hex values(in code)). (only RGB)
I figured the best way would be to write a little converter in Javascript, but even though I have the new converted values as an array (eg rgb_array = [r,g,b];) I dont know how to get this back from my Javscript into construct. I can only set values of variables in Construct that are strings, numbers or booleans.
p.S I tried the plugin called 'CONVERTERCOLORJS (AIOUTE GAO)' but using the following:
Set Color Colour_Converter.toRGB("#e4646e")
Didnt do anything to the colour.