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  • I want to display a piece of text from an external website (maybe from a class or some kind of html id ?!?). What's the best way to do this?


  • Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while. I tested the demo project on my system many times and have found no issues with the demo when using R236 beta.

    I tried leaving the demo running for long periods of time, short periods, without network connection etc but it has so far worked every time.

    I think it's a matter of continuing to test and try to hone in on the specific circumstances that the load fails before we can report a new bug.

    It doesn't seem to be 'exactly' the same bug as before even if the outcome (the file failing to load) is the same.

  • SOLVED: Just drag the new file from windows directly over the same file in the C3 project window and everything updates.

  • Currently I seem to need to delete my old object, add a completely new object, then resize it and then drag it into the correct folder each time I want to update my file.

    Specifically I am currently making multiple changes to an svg file and don't want to have do do this monotonous/pointless sequence each time. Is there any way to re-import or refresh file from disk?


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  • Okay Thanks! :)

    With Flash now behind us, does anyone know if there is another html engine capable of vector animation or if there may be a chance C3 would be able to do this one day?

  • Is there some way to animate svgs in Construct 3 in the same way as a sprite sheet (multiple images played one after the other)? I love svgs because of their tiny file size and of course regular bitmap animations soon start to crank up in size.

    I use spriter which helps keep file size down but I'm thinking of cases for other types of animation like explosion/FX etc which rely on completely unique frames.



  • I think I've figured out the problem. I have a bare bones example here (with no plugins). Mike I dont think its anything to do with Spriter:

    The steps are explained in the example but...


    • in the first scene the file is loaded correctly at start (Based on Ashleys example but Im loading my colours.JSON file)
    • click the button to go to the second layout
    • if you return straight away to layout one (by clicking the button), the file is loaded fine
    • HOWEVER..if you wait 30 seconds or more and THEN return to the previous scene the file will not load correctly. This happens every time.

    P.S. I have submitted this as a bug here:

    It doesn't make any sense of course and was a nightmare to figure it out, but it is what it is. Do I win a prize? :)

  • Hmm, I just tested this by having a log print out every second in my first event sheet. This prints fine during the initial layout but when I switch layout (with a new event sheet) the log print no longer prints, meaning the original event sheet is no longer running.

  • Understood, and when the layout is no longer running the event sheet sheet is no longer running (unless you include it somewhere)...But my question is; when that event sheet runs again, are the groups in that sheet reset to their original active or deactivated at start state?

  • I thought a layout loaded an associated event sheet and unloaded it when it switched layouts. Its that not the case?

  • Will send in the morning. Its late here (Argentina) but I will send along with steps to repro. No problem. Cheers

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