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  • I can send you my project if you like. What's your email? I can send a dropbox link.

    I have a few layouts in my project but this only seems to happen when returning to a layout (the title screen) from another layout.

    This layout is the first layout in the game but it never seems to have the issue when you first run it, only when you return to it from another scene.

    Also, this is the only scene with more than one Spriter object in it. No idea if that has any relevance or not.

  • If I deactivate a group in an event sheet and then load some other event sheet/layout; when I come back to the original event sheet, will that group still be deactivated?

    From what I can see this seems to be the case (am I correct?) but I would expect the event sheet to reset to its original setting when it loads in again as this would be far easier to manage.

    There doesn't seem to be any Reset ALl Groups action and so its becoming increasingly complicated to know which group are open and which are not.

    Is what I'm seeing correct? If so how can I force groups back to their original state?

  • In today's latest beta of C3 (r229) the error is happening pretty much all the time (in my project at least).

  • in my log its always just [Construct 3] AJAX request to '' (tag 'colours') failed: 404 which is the file I load at the start of the layout.

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  • That's great, Thanks! My app depends on it! The error seems quite rare (in in ten or twenty) and I've tried to minimize the number of times it needs to load the file, but when it breaks it breaks bad and I can't seem to find a workaround as even successive load attempts continue to fail. (as if the file is getting deleted somehow maybe?)

    Good Luck!

  • Mike, I am using Spriter in my project so could it be something to do with the latest Spriter Beta plugin?

    I have scml objects on the same layout that my AJAX call fails when that layout starts.

  • Okay. Thanks.

  • Hi, how exactly can I report a bug if my app uses plugins? If I remove the plugins the game wont even run correctly, so you won't even be able to reach the place where the issue happens?

    Is the only way to create a completely blank project with only the Ajax elements being called? Thanks

  • Yeah it works for me too most of the time but I was just wondering if this could be something that was known in the Beta because I never saw it in the stable version. (seems not) It only happens very occasionally so its pretty hard to repro.

    I'll dig further into my code and see if its a problem my end first.


  • Not a bug report of course but I'm occasionally (around 1 out of 10 times) getting a 404 error when trying to make an Ajax request on start of layout. I'm trying to fetch a local project.json file.

    I never had any issues with this in the stable version, so I'm just wondering if this is something that should be expected with the beta r228?

    [Construct 3] AJAX request to '' (tag 'colours') failed: 404

    I did notice that I was running out of storage space in Chrome too so perhaps that could have something to do with it? Although this also happened in remote preview on a device.


    EDIT:I should also add that I put a line of code in to re-request the Json again should the error occur but every re-request following the first request would also fail.

  • Additionally On Animation FInished or Or On ANy Animation Finished don't ever seem to trigger??

    I actually just set my anim to play once at the start (loop false) and it just plays forever.

    Something broken?

  • Hi, I'm trying to get the position of a bounding box in my spine object. The bounding box in Spine is called "fuse_tip" but how can I get its position in C3?

    I tried: MySpineObject.SpineBBoxCenterX("fuse_tip","fuse_tip")

    It doesn't work but that's clearly because I don't understand why the function needs two arguments and what I should put in each one.


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