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  • Hi, I have a main layout (A), another layout (B) and a third layout (c)

    I have created a hierarchy in layout B and another different one in Layout C

    When I create the object with hierarchy from layout B in layout A it works fine. (using the 'Create Object' action) ie the object is created in Layout A with the same hierarchy as I built the object in layout B.

    ..but when I do the same with the object from Layout C the hierarchy is not created, only the base object.

    Anyone know what could be happening?


    EDIT: I even recreated the hierarchy of Layout C by hand in Layout A, but still only the parent object gets created when I use create object with 'Create Hierarchy' ticked in Layout A.


  • Currently at only 9.

    Come on everyone!! Lets show the Chrome devs that this is REALLY important! STAR IT!

    Personally, I think this is THE most important fix for Construct 3 right now, but its out of Scirra's hands.


  • Actually I can't seem to access at all ANY child of a created object that is created using 'Create Hierarchy'.

    I cant use any command on a child.

    Is this supposed to be this way?

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  • I have an object that I create with 'Create Hierarchy" ticked. This works fine, but when I try to remove part of the object from the parent (Using 'remove from parent') it doesn't seem to do anything. (All actions on the original parent object still continue to be applied to the child)

    The hierarchy was created manually in the editor in a different layout to the one I am trying to remove the parent.

    Note: I also tried the 'Remove Child' command from the parent but this does nothing either

  • added my ⭐ to the issue

    Everybody who uses C3 should do this :)

    I just read one of the comments from the Chrome devs:

    For the record, the above test case drops frames in Chrome even on a recent M1 MacBook Pro with high-end CPU.

  • Thank you both!

  • I have a global variable. Lets say Speed=0

    I want to have it increase to 100 on a nice smooth easing curve. ie, its starts off slow, increases and then slows down toward the end. Like a tween but with a global.

  • Gotcha Thanks.

    Instead of every tick, I just use 'Is Tween Playing' and it works perfectly.

    + TL_Speed_Easer: Is Tween "Tween Speed" playing

    -> System: Set train_speed to TL_Speed_Easer.Tween.Value("Tween Speed")

  • Hi, I'm basing an objects speed on a tween value.

    The object accelerates niceley but when the tween finishes the speed goes straight to zero. Here is the code..

    My function:

    * On function 'TL_Ease_To_New_Train_Speed'

    * Parameter 'new_train_speed' (Number)

    -> TL_Speed_Easer: Tween "Tween Speed" value from train_speed to new_train_speed in 5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No, loop: No, ping pong: No)

    And every tick I match my train speed to the tween value..

    + System: Every tick

    -> System: Set train_speed to TL_Speed_Easer.Tween.Value("Tween Speed")

    Any ideas? I would expect the value of the tween to remain at its end value once finished.


  • FYI Ashley posted a bug report to Chromium Bugs along with a slow motion video of the janking in all its glory.

    The bug report and video are here:

    Thanks Ashley

  • I can tween objects that have the tween behaviour no problem but what do I do if I need to tween a global variable?



  • Remote preview is always about 20% slower on anything I ever try so I almost always create a debug APK to get a better reading.

    The janks happen are more common on a lower end device but even on a my fairly high end Huawei Mate Pro I see it sometimes. I even saw it happen on my high end PC a couple of times.

    The frustrating thing is that all these devices are running 60fps even when it happens.

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