Grimmy's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, I had a bunch of your plugins installed (the ironsource stuff) but then removed them because IronSource rejected my application for some reason.

    Now I'm only left with (of yours) Mobile Info(v2.0.1.2) and Mobile Review ( (Release 34)

  • Is anyone else seeing this error?

  • First - Learn to draw. There are a zillion resources available. It takes a bit of practice but if you enjoy the subject matter you will learn faster.

    Second - use a decent art package to create the sprites. Don't use the C3 in built sprite editor for creating art.

    Ideally use an ipad or a drawing tablet/wacom cintiq for creating art.

  • Are you able to export your project to Android Debug APK?

  • Bump. I just read the new GIF tutorial and could transparency be the main benefit to using animated Gifs?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Game runs fine in test, but when I try an export (Android Cordova Debug APK) it fails. The log error shows the following:

    main.js:759 Error exporting: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')

    All the details are filled out correctly (I think) in the Mobile Export properties (Android ID, iOS ID,Spoof Location: Disabled, Show on STartup:True)

    NOTE: If I remove the Mobile Advert plugin the export works fine.

    Any ideas?


  • For example, say my video has a green screen in it; Is there a way to eliminate the green inside C3 when playing back the video but leaving the other colours intact?

    I can use the ReplaceColor effect on the video for example, but it doesn't allow the replaced colour to have any alpha so I can only replace my green with a solid colour.



  • Ah I think I found it. It was picking the template from an old backup layout that I had. I 'think' it must pick the template from the first layout listed in the project directory because this morning I put all my old backup layouts into a subdirectory.

    I guess it was choosing a template from this layout instead of the layout I wanted because it was higher on the list.

    I just deleted the old layout and now it seems to be doing everything correctly!

    So the moral is: Check if you have any other instances of the object in your project, even on some unused layouts.


  • Additionally, if I turn off my original object's tweening, the tweening is still enabled when I create an hierarchy instance with code.


    Is some weird caching going on? ie Not retaining scales , if behaviors are enabled or an object's hierarchy etc

  • In the end I 'hacked' it by creating a different root object and parent my model to that. With that it worked fine.

    I'd say there is definitely some issues with the scene graph. As well as the above issue, these things also happened seemingly overnight:

    1. I had a hierarchy which was being created perfectly. I saved everything, went to bed and in the morning after restarting C3 only the parent object was being created and it was also scaled up.?!? The code was/is exactly the same as yesterday.

    2.I created a hierarchy in one layout and then created it in code in another..once it came in WITH its tween behaviour (but this was scaled much bigger than on the initial sheet) but after restarting C3 the next day it comes in with no tweening at all.

    As far as I can tell there was no update this morning but maybe C3 updated itself during this time? I'm running r295 Beta

  • Great, I just sent you an email. Much appreciated!

  • My project is around 20 meg. Is that okay? I can stick it on dropbox and give you simple directions to recreate the issue if I haven't already put you off :)

    Can I send you a link privately somehow?

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