Silver...I am feeling this game!..which I think is what you want the player to do?...there is an instant sense of excited adventure portrayed in the character your art and your animation...all good...I really want to love this game,as it's apparent the effort that has been poured into it.
But,and it's a big but,this sense of wild enthusiasm is stifled by awkward platforming,that detracts rather than enhances...good news!,it's fixable...
Let me elaborate,I'm a seasoned gamer and struggled on certain sections,due to wobbly transitions and iffy collision detection on the angled branches...I can almost forgive.
On the other hand my girlfriend,who I think would be nearer to your target audience,instantly fell for the look of the game and wanted to play...15 mins later,She could not get beyond the first few branches!!
Only my opinion but I would add some freedom and pace,I'm having more fun just running though trees,using my wolflike speed and guile to avoid hazards.rather than bouncing on their heads!
I don't want to sound critical,far from it I want your game to be as brilliant as your imagination...changes I'd advise...
Straight branches keep the pace up (zig zag up to prolong level)
Have more enemies to avoid rather than kill (more natural for a wolf)
A sneak function that would open a new tier of gameplay and avoid bounding off where it's not needed.(creep past that angry boar unnoticed)
Just to add,the game ran flawlessly at 1024x765 on my amd athlon 2.8MHZ
with 256 meg video bugs noticed.
Better go now,My girlfriend wants another
As I said there is a great game in here,just waiting to be released!