Hello guys! In my current project Ivan Fu?koff you will be able to cut your way through large amount of levels in random order, upgrade your character through a simple role system, buy new weapons (15 kinds of weapons are currently available) and HATS! You also will contact with NPC and if I won't be too lazy there even will be some quests. Shops, NPC and enemies will be created randomly.
Few words about plot:
I don't have much too tell. Invasion of alien brain parasites has begun, portal to hell was opened by the Doomsday cultists and other dark forces rampage through the Ivan's city. You're Ivan Fuc?off (I'm not swearing it's his surname :P) - the real badass with lots of guns and you'll make them all pay.
Few words about role system:
In the current version of role system there are 4 stats: maximum HP, damage, rate of fire (there are no close combat weapons) and armor. You can add maximum of 5 points to each of stat. Every level up gives you 1 point. Level cap is 10. Hats can also modify your stats so you can easily have +7 to some stat instead of +5 etc.
Few words about enemies:
8 types of monsters are ready right now and there will be more! I tried my best to make some neat AI and as result some monsters became a real pain in the player's *** ^^. And of course there will be different bosses to test your skills and make you rage quit more often XD.
Few words about rougelikeness:
There will be 2 game modes: normal and ********* In normal your progress will be saved between levels. In ******** mode there won't be any saves - PERMADEATH is so much fun!
Few words about soundtrack:
Special thanks to Oskar "Ozzed" Hanberg for his cool and free to use chiptune music. Check his website for cool stuff Ozzed.net
Below you can see some screenshots and gameplay video. Will be waiting for your feedback!
Link to the game on indieDB: Ivan Fu?koff
Download game from IndieDB
You can also find this game on Game Jolt and Indievania. These links you can find here.
Gameplay video:
<img src="http://imageshack.us/a/img818/6192/38881417.png" border="0">
<img src="http://imageshack.us/a/img689/8774/90888228.png" border="0">
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<img src="http://imageshack.us/a/img196/546/xwuz.png" border="0">
1.2 - 13/07/13
- final boss save bug fixed;
- disappearing lifts bug fixed;
- fixed falling performance while using Beam Cannon;
- shots from Beam Cannon inflict damage to bosses now;
- stucking boomerangs bug fixed;
- increased damage of Flamethrower and Beam Cannon;
- decreased prices for favors of some NPC;
- changed some prices in the shop.
1.1 - 05/07/13
- minor AI fixes;
- corrected player-flashing effect;
- fixed abbility to talk to NPC while using an elevator;
- improved Bouncing Gun;
- changed some prices in the shop;
- changed reward for "Triple Penetration" medal;
- bunch of minor (not only) spelling fixes;
- added 3 new guns (Revolver, Spread Laser, Beam Cannon);
- added 3 new hats (Santa's Hat, Fez, **** Mask);
- added 1 new NPC (Gun Merchant);
- added 5 new maps.
1.0 - 20/06/13