This topic seems to be rolling out the Construct Classic big guns in it's defence!....about time this forum had some fire...
Being relatively new to both programs ,(only a few months under my belt)...<shakes rattle>, I can certainly understand both sides,and in my opinion Construct Classic , as a game creation tool is unmatched...period. And deals Construct 2 a mighty punch in the web socket ,with C2 feeling watery and dumbed down by comparison.
However if you actually want your mega creation to leave the confines of your hard drive ,Construct 2 counters with a HTML5 flurry (after checking it's hair and donning a puffy shirt of course).
And I think that sums it up ,the market is no longer reliant on brute force to shift ten thousand pixels into an alien mothership....five sprites and a bit of photoshop can sell!
So as a forward looking commercial product Construct 2 takes the flag,while construct classic bites it's knuckles behind an MMX badged desktop....
Just to add I really think Classics reliability issues are overplayed...come runtime ,it's rock solid.
But saying that editing in C2 is a joy and I don't miss the feeling of impending crash that Classic can give sometimes.