PudgyPlatypus's Recent Forum Activity

  • You know when you've started a bunch of projects, and a few them are are almost complete... but then you keep starting more projects?

    some multiplayer testing going on here:

    *Looks at over 30 unfinished C2 projects in Dropbox*...Nope, never happens to me lol

  • Looking great so far! I love me some top down shooters, definitely keep it up!

  • Joben Oh btw I had gotten the same platformer assets and was running through making characters and I had made a girl character based on the original guy. I will give you a link to my dropbox with the assets if you want to use em since I'm not doing anything with them.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... ations.zip

  • Joben Looking really great so far! I'm glad you made the Super Platformer graphics into your own style which shows the investment into it. Keep at it!

  • Another real simple type that I learned a lot from making was a "clicker" game. I have a template on the Scirra store but I think it is really simple to get started on your own without it. Those games may not be your cup of tea but they make you get real good at:

    • Using plugins (RexRainbow Date/Time plugins for sure)
    • Dealing with SAVING data whether it be in Localstorage or on a server
    • Retrieving saved data (and parsing it if needed)
    • But simple enough to not have to have a lot of art to get started

    Just a suggestion and good luck on your learning, make sure to have fun!

  • Been having fun with the Kingdom assets and trying to get a water reflection effect (thanks to the awesome Paster plugin)

  • PapitoMyKing With the exception of the multiplayer part of it, it is a relatively simple game to set up. Here is a quick example after like an hour of messing with some of Kenney's assets to work for a ROTMG clone..

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  • SoldjahBoy that looks and runs very nice! Good job!

  • > Oh boy, starting over in C2




    That looks great! Can I ask how you made the damage numbers and falling effect?

    Not exactly sure how they did it, but I think it is just enabling some light physics on the object and then a fade or timer to destroy it. That is how I have set up damage numbers in the last game I was working on.

  • I would love to see that Capx , love your style.

    I would just say not to worry about the paid version issue, just make it very clear it requires the paid version to edit/open it themselves?

  • marquet that looks great!

    Everytime I add something new I break something that was already working...oh well.

    An abandoned Cellular Automata example file I was making, maybe I can just throw it on the Tutorials section and someone else can finish it..

  • Nice start to the idle game genre!

    I'm a bit new to the "idle" and "clicker" genre and totally get why some people don't like them also (especially that one you linked on Kongregate, how the hell did it get so many plays??). Although I did make the Clicker game template on the Scirra store awhile back, I never had really played any which is kind of funny. But anyways, yea the clicker and idle games have took off pretty big (remember these waves die out quick so make sure you get a quality one done before then).

    Just first glance advice for what you got so far:

    1) Maybe a quick skip button for the intro for impatient ADHD people like myself

    2) I never really liked any of the idle games that had numbers with decimals, I always was like..just round! So maybe consider rebalancing the numbers a bit and make them whole?

    3) How are you saving the game right now, is it just Localstorage or savegame state? One thing you might want to look into is saving it into a database. The easiest one right now is Firebase which rexrainbow made a wonderful plugin for. So then you can package up all the stats into some json and send it to firebase and then pull the data when needed, etc. Just a further down the road suggestion, but definitely think about it as you develop because it is a pain to switch how you save data after the fact..I have made that mistake a lot lol.

    Otherwise, keep it up and if you ever need any other help feel free to mention me in your post and I will try my best!

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