PudgyPlatypus's Recent Forum Activity

  • anpur Hey I have been meaning to stop by here and thank you for this plugin but it keeps slipping my mind. So, Thank you! Very easy and straightforward to use, very very helpful!

  • Badmiracle It really depends to be honest, could you give a little more context of what you are checking for the event?

    I use lots of approaches for these types of events but it really depends on what type of actions or things it is needing to check. But generally I use different variables when "something is happening or is pushed" and can use it in other events to check if it is 1 or 0, etc.

  • frozenpeas I think you might be overlooking some of the basic structure you are asking about.

    If you build a website that accesses data from MySQL, FileMaker, or any other database system, then inherently you should be able to make an app in C2 or any other programming language that accesses the same data.

    If you are more wondering about visuals of the website/app, that's a different story. But honestly I would suggest against that anyways because generally you would design the usability and layout of an app a bit different from how you would set up your website.

    So I could be way off from what you are asking but my suggestion is that if you get a good database set up that can be accessed via the internet, most programs should allow you to get your data. As an example, my boss owns a liquor company (Rumchata) which has a website and a backend database that has recipes for the liquor to show on the web site. I then made an app through C2 for Android and iOS that accesses that database of recipes through AJAX and can show all the same recipe info that the website has.

    Sorry I rambled a bit, but hopefully that helps a little?

  • Pixel Golf Template — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>**33% off for the first week! Get it quick!**</p><p>Learn how the popular Scirra arcade game Pixel Golf works by learning right from the entire game's code!</p><p>Pixel Golf has been a labor of love for about a year and thought it was about time to share it with anyone who was interested in having the code for it.</p><p>Learn from the code:</p>

    • Scrolling through a layout using Lerp
    • How to use the LayoutTransition plugin for nice transitions between layouts
    • How to upload scores to the Scirra Arcade and GameJolt
    • How to have graphic settings for the user to turn off for FPS boost
    • The complicated math behind the shooting arrow while making your shot
    • Random rain effect
    • In game level editor
    • Using the physics engine that runs well on mobile
    • and more!

    <p>This is a really nice start of a full golf game that is set up and runs well on mobile devices. Add some new tile sets, more courses, customize it however you want and you got a full game going!</p><p>If you haven't tried it out, play the demo on the Scirra Arcade. The code is the entire code, nothing stripped out.</p><p>Fully commented!</p><p>Plugins included in Zip file</p><p>Includes the unreleased Ice Tundra tileset!</p><p>Finally, have fun and if you make anything cool with the game tweet it to me at PudgyPlatypus, I would love to see what you guys make!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Pixel Golf Template

  • This function with cocoonjs for mobile?

    Yes LocalStorage should work just fine with Cocoonjs

  • Yea I think gumshoe has mentioned one of the most likely solutions to the problem. If I had time I would throw together an example but I'm at work so if you haven't gotten it working by tonight I can try it out.

  • You have to be careful with some of the touch conditions because there are chances if something ends up showing or moving to that same location can be triggered by that same touch (milliseconds can be all the difference)

  • ThunderLion

    It's a bit all over the place for me when it comes to mobile performance.

    Generally though I get at least 40 fps at more intense parts in some of my prototypes but most of the time it stays between 55-60 (My pixel golf game for example)

    Main performance hits I have noticed and had to work with:

    • Particles
    • Collisions (make sure you turn off collisions on objects that don't need it since it is a default for some things)
    • TEXT, for the love of god make sure you use sprite fonts and not the basic text
    • Effects can make performance go down if too many
    • The way you compile the game for mobile...it's odd..sometimes when I just throw my game on my phone and start it in CocoonLauncher it runs great but then try xdk and it runs poorly. But then other games they run horribly on cocoon but great on xdk...
    • TEST TEST TEST on mobile devices, cannot stress that enough test A LOT

    Good luck and have fun!

  • Problem Description

    This just started happening after the latest update. The easiest way to duplicate my problem is either selecting the sprite font object on my Game layout and changing the size of it a bit and then all of the boxes/handles for changing the object size or angle disappear and do not come back. So then I cannot see the object I actually have selected anymore until i exit C2.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Its the beginning of my game jam game.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Select Sprite Font, either change the size smaller/bigger or just copy and paste another version of the object on the same layer
    • Selection objects should disappear and won't come back

    Observed Result

    No more selection indicators or object resizing handles

    Expected Result

    For it to not do that?

    Affected Browsers

    • It's in C2

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 latest version

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Stable version.2

  • WumpusThumper Hey there, welcome to the forums! I will first put in a little plug for my idle/clicker game template you can get on the store (https://www.scirra.com/store/games-with ... e-game-666), pretty cheap and a couple examples of ways to do what you are asking for with commenting for each of the parts.

    But I know a lot of people don't wanna buy anything on the store and learn themselves, so as what MythStylz said there is a great plugin from rexrainbow that I used in the template (http://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/rex_time_awayl.html)...actually just go through and download a ton of RexRainbow's plugins, they help a ton. But the TimeAway plugin will set a timer when you leave or close the game and when you come back you can just calculate the difference.

    Good luck!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey everyone!

    Thought I would put forward something I put together for free as a thank you to all the awesome resources I have gotten from the Construct 2 community to get to the point I'm at now.

    So if anyone has played Fallout 3 you would probably recognize the name Galaxy News Radio or Three Dogs, but if not it was a radio station in the game that played some old timey music and had a great DJ talk every once in awhile with a silly old time radio show playing every once in awhile in between (Herbert Daring Dashwood).

    So I thought it would be fun to recreate the radio station where it would play all the songs and sprinkle in some of the DJs sound clips along with the story, randomly but still seem "organic" enough to be believable that the DJ was actually controlling it all. So I quickly pulled out all the audio clips and songs from the Fallout 3 game file in Steam and put together a nice little example of what C2 can do with some old timey music and sound clips.

    So anyways, here it is, the Capx and the NWjs files for the different OS if you would like to try it out and see. It uses one not default effect called CRT shader.

    Disclaimer! I do not own the rights to any of the audio and neither do you. So be careful what you do with all of these files, this is more for fun and learning!

    Some Images:

    CAPX file - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... Radio.capx

    win32 app - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... /win32.zip

    win64 app - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... /win64.zip

    osx32 app - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... /osx32.zip

    osx64 app - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... /osx64.zip

    Browser version - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/968 ... index.html


  • Has anyone gotten in contact with the plugin creator lately? I stupidly still went ahead and did the donation thinking maybe I would get a reply but nothing yet.

    If you are still alive I would definitely appreciate an email sometime soon. Thanks!

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