Might be more useful on the pc, with a copy to clipboard option
Works fine on mine in firefox
Post in the bugs forum
Hve you searched the forums, there are numerous similar posts.
How about an invisible sprite set to the required size, then just check to see whats overlapping.
I have been amazed at the effort and patience shown by some people on the forums in answering problems. Personally i dont think i have ever been on such an active and helpful forum.
You "don't get the 75% off bit" - perhaps you viewed them before the sale ?
LOL i dont think that will help
Its not here in the UK yet.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
would it be possible to automatically change references in the code when layers are re-named ,also the same for Groups ?
Not sure if this is what you mean, however. If you select the objects you want to scale then right click on one and choose Wrap Selection. You can then scale them all.
There are plenty of examples of creating chains / ropes on the forums using families.
Use the Browser object and Request Full Screen.
Member since 30 Oct, 2012