Just out of interest is it possible to allow the player to choose which keys he wants as in most retail games.
You need to use a graphics package as the built in sprite editor doesnt allow you to create circles.
thanks for this excellent plugin. I was also surprised to see that the size of the source and targets also changes the way they react to each other which is great.
When i have a circular source and a circular target and they come into contact the targets keep rolling around the surface is there a way to stop this without affecting the physics?
Just found rexrainbows excellent gravitation plugin which does exactly what i want. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Hi rexrainbox,
do you have an example or capx of Gravitation behaviour. i cant understand how to make it work.
is it possible to have objects with physics applied where some are affected by gravity and some are not?
in other words can i have some obects with gravity 0 and some with gravity 10 but all react as physics objects.
I have bought it. Do you mean Awesomium? Thats not a 'proper' exe, its just a wrapper.
Am i missing something here? How can you export to an exe from C2 ?
Maybe not the right place to ask but why does the example not work with the revolute joints straight on the cogs and not the blue sprites?
Just crashes.
I wonder if anyone else has this problem.
using Canvas.rgbaAt(x,y) in Chrome on a green canvas gives (0,255,0,1) as you would expect. However in Firefox i get (137,249,32,1). Any ideas why.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
So does it need a dummy action? Not sure how to stop it.
could someone tell me why the attached capx doesnt work when i disable the drawbox action in Group and enable it in Group1.
I am new to Construct so i am pretty sure its me <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Member since 30 Oct, 2012