Ribis's Recent Forum Activity

  • added a new feature, now is possible to send a notification from your app to a user who use the app!

    like, if a player beat a score of another player, the app will send a notification to that user, and you can change the notification!

    another example of feed story, in this case, construct2 will set the picture, the title, the description of the feed:

  • Ribis When do you expect to have this available for sale? Thanks.

    CDogs1964 very soon the documentation is almost completed and I'm adding more feature for the gamesfeed, because the documentation will explain how to make a new feed story with php and facebook graph API

  • Hey Ribis, could you show us some of your games using this facebook integration?

    I would be happy to pay 15 or 20$ if it works well and if you offer good support.

    Actually I'm making a documentation to make a feed story inside the feed games.

    I don't have any app to show how works in a real game, but when I finsh the documentation, I will make the app published and everyone can see how works...

    basically, in your capx doesn't change anything, I made some file in php and a new index to integrate the last facebook sdk to construct2, but you need just to call some specific ajax (inside construct2) call to retrieve a data, or post some data...

    very easy to use and understand, and works better than a plugin (well, plugins I tried...)

    no complicate way with the event to integrate facebook, and no extra login inside the app to retrieve the data.

    for the support it depends, for now in this version I will relase is just a "base version", I mean:

    -user profile (GET)

    -hi-scores (GET AND POST)

    -achievement (GET AND POST)

    -feed story (1 template, end a level with some score) (POST)

    -post inside the timeline of the users (POST)

    if someone want more, just PM me and I will make work (for the cost, it depends what I have to integrate), anyway, in the documentation I will explain everything, what you have to edit, what you have to make inside the app....etc

  • Hi Ribis, don´t you have any code to share yet? I would appreciate to see it.

    I will sell the documentations and the files (capx, php files) for a few bucks (15/20 $) ( if i can i will put inside the store of scirra)... I spent times to make the script and the documentation that make the array ready for construct2 etc...

    and everything works perfects without do anything extra inside construct2 (for the events).

    who try different plugin of facebook know how is frustrating to get work everything, and sometime could appear some bug....

    I made these script for this, to make works without extra login or make extra events to get all data, especially when you have to get scores or other things...you have to make so much event and make the array inside construct2, and that is very frustrating and take a lot of time to do this...

    the good thing of my files, is that you can integrate facebook with just 2/3 events inside your app (using ajax) and you will have everything before the app is loaded, when you call 1 ajax, you will load everything, and also you can post a score, achievements, and story very easy, using ajax

  • frcol

    I almost finish the documentation (to explain how to use the open graph..) and the files to integrate facebook in every app of contruct2 without any plugin.

    see here: https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=164418

    anyway, I don't like any plugin of facebook because whene the player load the app, has to login inside the app (click something) to get the permission, that's is confusing for the user (sometime works, sometime not...)

    because every app ask for the permission before the app loaded, and another important thing, with the plugin you have to make a lot of events, also loops to retrive a full hiscore or others things, with my files everything is loaded before the app open very fast, and your app when is loaded, has already 3 array inside construct2 with the user profile, the hiscores (from the 1st to the last) and the achievement of the app plus what achievement the player unlocked. and to to this, you have to put just 2 events, the php file will do everything, take a data, convert to an array, and send to the app.

    plus, you can post a story inside the games feed like candycrush when someone finish a level with some score... etc

  • Hi all, finally I almost finish what I studied and tryed for a month... if you remember, I was making that with the old sdk..and now, I almost finish to integrate facebook in PHP with the NEW SDK.

    I integrate facebook to my project very easly and works perfectly and that is not a plugin! you have just to insert some file inside the folder of the app and works like a sharm!

    why is better than a plugin?

    -the plugin have to be updated if facebook change something.... in php is easier to fix a new update (you can do it, you don't have to wait)

    • with the plugin, the user when accept the permission at start (with the pop-up, like every app) have to login again inside the app with some button and this is very annoying.

    with my method ,when the user open my app, doesn't have to login again, so doesn't need extra login or some button.

    -that should works with every platform that support AJAX object!, so should works with android etc...

    • you don't have to make any complicate event or some loops to get the data, when the app start, your app will get 3 array builded for construct2 with:

    -User profile (personal information (name,email....) with personal score and the position of the score)

    -Hi-scores of you and your friends (users name, id, score, picture url)

    -Achievements (you will get an array with the achievment locked and unlocked! ready to go), so that is very easy to show what achievement is locked or unlocked.

    for this, just take one event to load the 3 array inside a construct2! and works very fast, because this is loaded before the app start.

    and what you can POST?:

    -update the user score.

    -send notification to a user NEW

    -unlock the achievement (with one event, you can unlock all, just change a parameter).

    I didn't insert a picture (in my server) for the achievements, but works perfect

    -publish a objects inside the games feed, like in candy crush, when your user finish a level, you can publish the feeds with a personal data! like score or others!

    the score is from construct2, the picture of the level is just an example... and you can make your personal action!

    -post in the user profile

    so, now I have to make a documentation, who is interested to this post here (with some suggestion or question) I will send you a PM and I will update this post when everything is ready

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  • the layout it's already infinite, in the options of the project you can check the unbounded scrolling to show the outside of the layout...

    anyway, usually, these game use different way to make an infinite game, for example you can make a fake movement and move the other objects, or move the player and spawn other objects around the player...etc

  • I'm working on this:

    Actually I didn't finish the events for the player who follow the other one (there are some bug), I just made a lerp and set the same x,y and different event to don't fly on the edge of the platform... very simple, but I didn't use physics, just platform behavior

  • YES! This * 1000+ I tend to use a prolific number of event sheets, but bigger projects just don't work as smoothly.

    Ribis - I understand it is quite easy to make a Mario "Like" game. But I am unconvinced you "cloned" it; A clone is an exact functional copy. A perfect cloning would even include common glitches that occured as a result of how collisions were detected and resolved.

    I am quite certain, given your diddy kong country example, that you did a great job on the super mario world game. But I won't budge on what I said. You CAN"T make a mario CLONE without a custom collision system.

    So far, it seems that people have taken my statement as a sign of ignorance, that I don't know how to use construct. This is far from the truth. I personally have made the mario 3 collision system, both using the sdk and using events. We are talking 1000s of events. The platformer behavior cannot be used to clone mario. It resolves collisions all wrong and lacks the right tools to handle proper resolution.

    Can it be used to make a mario like game? YES. yes yes yes. But it cannot be used to clone mario.

    Now to beat a dead horse further to death... for those who missed my original point: Becuase it (contruct 2) can't even clone a simple old game using behaviors, my point is that it can't be used to make ceartain new game ideas. A point that is painfully clear to me as I have yet to be able to make a game and not also have to make my own collision detection/and or response methods. This is way to cumbersome to do with events. Enter the SDK which is the weakest component of construct 2. Enter my final point, if you are using c2 and the sdk, why not use unity? It has a much better code oriented environment. Why use construct 2 at all? I have my reasons of course, but

    well, when I was making the gameplay of the players, I had a similar glitch as the original game (really, but I fixed it, maybe it was a case? bug with animal an barrel scroll)

    it's impossible to make a perfect clone of the game, we are using different tools from donkey kong country...for making a perfect clone you have to use the same tools.... but you can make a game looks like the original.... if you make "fake" clone, a normal user can't recognize the difference between the original one...if you do a perfect work

    the behavior don't make a game, but make your work easier... you can make a game without a behavior... and if you use it, off course, you have to make events to reach your goal...

    when I'm making every game, or every test, I have a method, for example, if I make a "class" of the monster or weapons, I want to make all possible interactions... in my "mario game"(because I used mario player and some sprite from it) for example, if I want to make a new weapons, take to me like 2 minutes because I have all variable and I have to change just graphics(weapon, clip, bullet, shell) and the sound because I made the logic how works all weapons...the same things is for all thing, and in this case construct2 works very well...it's easy to make your own logic in a few minutes and see if works well... with unity take more more time

    I see a lot of people complain because construct2 doesn't make a good game, or because of performance... and I don't understand why...

    the tool don't make a game, you have to make a game with a tool, and that doesn't mean you don't know how to use construct... you can make the same game with different tool... but you have to make the logic how works the game.... you can reach a result with different way and logic.... we have to find the best way/logic to reach the goal...

    when someone complain the performance because someone is making a platform 2d like mario (easy) and says:

    "why the performance is bad? i'm making mario blablabla..."

    it's better to use another tool like unity, if someone make a big project and the performance get bad, just move in different tool... in unity store there are a lot project like mario style,racing car...etc so, you don't have to code...you have already the script to make your game, and the performance will be just a bad memory

    I complain just the organization of the events, because it's easy to says "use groups, use different page, comment...etc) well, this works if you are make a easy logic of the game...if the player has a easy gameplay like (walk, jump) but when you make 600 events just for the player because of the gameplay, can be pretty hard... because a block of event take a lot of space, and the comment go in top or below... for that, I suggest to make a option like you can choose the color of the single event... will make easier to read the event just by eyes...I don't "feel" good when I'm working with a lot of event block, because I can't see my logic pretty well...

  • Ribis i haven't touched my capx for Super Ubie Land for almost 2 years until recently when I decided to update the game and rerelease it as Super Ubie Island REMIX. I had no problem finding anything and that is a "big" game. I have over 5k events. I think that is more of an organization issue. Create a workflow and organization method that you can remember.

    well, you are right, it depends about workflow, my last project has 1200 events (didn't finish yet) and I made easy to understand, but it depends how the events are complicated... if someone make easy gameplay (like mario ) there is no problem if there are a lot of events... you can organize your code for the enemy, platform, bosses...etc

    but when you make a difficult gameplay, where just the gameplay of the player take 600 events, you start to get in trouble, because more complicated is the gameplay, more difficult is to make others event for everything...I mean, if you have a player than take items, use items, how to kill some enemy (hit on back, on front, up....)

    for example, my player has 40 animations, and this 40 animations have to be good for all of the eventualities, the player can kill some enemy by different hit etc.... in construct2 you have to scroll a lot to find the specific event, the comment take more space...etc I can't see well my code...

    if in construct2 you have the possibility to choose a color for every single event, would be fantastic, because for example, in my game the green event would be stuff just for the player, the red would be just for the enemy, the yellow color would be the event of the interection about player and enemy...etc...

    when I made another project with corona SDK (lua) I wrote a lot of code and it's easier to see everything, because you can comment every line and you have more tool to help yourself to organize your work... a block of event take a lot of space

  • > Add the physics behavior to the platforms too. A physics object can only interact with other physics objects.


    > Remove the solid behavior, add the physics, and toggle on the Immovable attribute so the platforms wont fall.


    Thanks for your reply Rayki, I just tried it but it didn't work. Could you update the capx file with working version of it, please?

    you don't have to use physics, just waste memory...


    let me know if you need more help

  • I think this remake of Donkey Kong by Ribis in C2 is alot more complicated than a simple mario game and it shows what you can do by combining behaviours with custom events.

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    thank you <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I never played DKC so I can't readily compare this clone for specidic details. This is an awesome example of what can be achieved using c2, but nowhere could I find the author stating he didn't use the sdk to help him make this.

    You may be surprised to know, but there isn't really anything going on in DKC that makes it significantly complicated than mario 3, at a core level. I am making this claim based on only what I can see in the demo. Sure the snes could handle more x,y, and z, but the basics concepts of how x, y and z are handled and resolved didn't change much from the nes to the snes.

    well, I use just platform and solid behavior... I don't use any SDK or unofficial plugin, the gameplay is simple, just for some check collision I had a problem (when the player slips on the wall or the margin of platform, but I resolve it with 4 events... )and for a barrel launch, I had to make my own gravity...

    the number of event: 1200 but I almost finish all of the gameplay, now I'm starting to make a editor level, (for use tilemap)

    Go back and read the comment that was made in this regard. It wasn't that you CAN'T make mario in c2, it was that you can't make a mario clone using the platform behavior.

    Actually I made already the super mario world clone with only solid/platform... with an advance system of day/night (and change the color of the light, planet...change the speed of the time...etc) with shadow, using the torch when you are going to a cavern, same for the fire of the weapons (make light with shadow) advance item system (take objects, use it...etc) advance weapons management (for every weapons, you can choose the type of bullet you want to use, the type of fire, and off course, to make a new weapon you have to edit 20 variable to set everything... the precision, time of reload, if when reload the weapon release a loader/shell ..... the water system with a nice effect of the bullet and the bullet time, with everything go slow.... maybe I will post a GIF, I never posted that project

    very easy to make just the mario clone <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    anyway, I have to say something... In my opinion, construct2 is very easy to use if you programming or you know the logic... everybody have an unique method/logic to think how you can make a game... but, when you start to make a big project, construct2 isn't good, I have a hard time if I don't open my project in 2 weeks to find some event, or some logic...

    for example, if you can choose a color of the event, make a special link to another event, or comment the subevent can be easly to understand the projects... and when you make 10 different event sheets start to be difficult...

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