Ribis, could you show us some of your games using this facebook integration?
I would be happy to pay 15 or 20$ if it works well and if you offer good support.
Actually I'm making a documentation to make a feed story inside the feed games.
I don't have any app to show how works in a real game, but when I finsh the documentation, I will make the app published and everyone can see how works...
basically, in your capx doesn't change anything, I made some file in php and a new index to integrate the last facebook sdk to construct2, but you need just to call some specific ajax (inside construct2) call to retrieve a data, or post some data...
very easy to use and understand, and works better than a plugin (well, plugins I tried...)
no complicate way with the event to integrate facebook, and no extra login inside the app to retrieve the data.
for the support it depends, for now in this version I will relase is just a "base version", I mean:
-user profile (GET)
-hi-scores (GET AND POST)
-achievement (GET AND POST)
-feed story (1 template, end a level with some score) (POST)
-post inside the timeline of the users (POST)
if someone want more, just PM me and I will make work (for the cost, it depends what I have to integrate), anyway, in the documentation I will explain everything, what you have to edit, what you have to make inside the app....etc