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  • Hi guys (once agains, sorry for topic bumps)! Thanks to my friend and Apple owner, I manage to release OSX build.

    You can dowload it from and Game Jolt. I will be greatful for you feedback.

    Cheers, qam

  • Hi guys! I'm bumping this topic because Random Ninja is now availble as PC download and online HTML5 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I hope that now the game will be more accessible and easier to check. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Cheers, qam

  • Hi guys!

    So, I finally managed to release my very first mobile game - Random Ninja! It's a quite hard (or rather unfair) platformer in 8-bit style.

    Random Dubstep Trailer:

    - Google Play (Android):

    - (PC, OSX, APK):

    - Game Jolt (HTML5 - browser player, PC, OSX):

    I designed it as an internal tech-demo, but project evolved and here it is... Nothing special really, but still, I'm very proud of it. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> I would be greatful for your feedback. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Cheers, qam!

  • Small topic bump. I've just released my game on Google Play and depending on device, problem is still there. In specific cases even music goes away after fullscreen Admob presentation... Right now I have no idea whats going on.

  • Oh, Hi MET1C!

    I'm pretty sure, that in my case it's some strange bug with Admob object or plugin.

    I don't use Cocoon, so I don't know how it would behave, but it's easy to recreate my problem in XDK.

    Did you tried my solution with sound and music folders?

  • Thanks TRMG for the reply! Var is always OK - I used search on event sheets and additionaly I implemented var numer print into HUD to see its status inside game.

    Meanwile I searched other sound related problems on the forum and it seems that I have a solution for my problem:

    1) I moved sound files from Sound folder into Music folder.

    2) I implemented manual preload on title/start layout.

    Now everything is fine after Admob presentation and additionaly sound are played without any delay.

    About your question. It seems that Fullscreen request gives the best results, but I find StatusBar.hide() helpfull on exotic Android ROMs. So I just have it to be sure.

  • Hey, I did some screenshots - maybe it will be helpfull. I can show you anything needed... For me, this problem is dead end.

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  • Hi! I stumpled on a very strange problem (bug?) with Admob, which seems to "mute" all my sounds in specific situation (but no music).

    Despite music, I have also sound FX on/off switch in menu. It changes global variable. If it equals 1, then sounds like jumping are played. On 0 nothing happens. Without Admob this system works perfectly fine - I can turn off and on sounds every time I return to menu. But when I load and present admob interstitial ad (spearated layout) after completing level with sounds turned off... I just can't turn them on again. Variable and menu switch are OK - it looks like after a gameplay without any sounds, Admob advert just "drops" every sound on the project. Switch works only if I reload whole app. As I said before, it don't apply to music - menu switch works great and music is always loaded on layout/level start.

    I'm using latest stable (not beta) Construct 2 and latest XDK witch cordova-plugin-ad-admob. I tried turning off sounds preload, setting "not silent" on layout begin. No effect, problem still exists. May it be related to test mode of Admob object in Construct 2? I would be grateful for your help - I literally caught it before release on Google Play and I have no idea whats going on.

  • Hello world!

    My first game with Construct 2 should be available this week, so I finally decided to write on forum.

  • Sorry for the bump, but I may have solution:

    My test works (with online and offline check) after adding cordova-plugin-network-information in XDK.

    Maybe it would be helpfull for somebody else.

  • Hi guys. This is my very first post, so I would like to say mornin'

    I searched for solution, but despite many issues described on forum, there is nothing to fix it. I also want to check online status, but it seems that Browser Is Online work only on desktop browser, not in XDK app. There I got always true on "is online" condition, even if there is no connection at all.

    Any idea how to get it done? I need to check internet status to determine if preload admobs or not.

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Member since 2 Nov, 2016

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