Hey, my name is Tom! I've always enjoyed platforming and couch multiplayer games. I got really into Minecraft a little while ago (errr... years ago -- time goes by so fast ), so I started getting enthusiastic about building things... I love the idea of creating my ideas on a computer, it's just something that rings well with me. I read at first a single Construct 2 tutorial like... Months ago? Anyway, I had computer issues, but before that I experimented around and loved how easy, simple and powerful this game engine is. I came back just yesterday, this time reading like 5 different tutorials, and I loved it. I got all sorts of new information and answer to my questions, and now I'd love to make some cool (but simple, to start) games and maybe toss them in the Arcade. I'm also very technical-minded (if I put in the effort I'm pretty sure I could be a good programmer, and I am in a college Computer Science program) so I'd love to help give advice for anyone's budding game. I look forward to it!