The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hi guys,

    I am approaching scirra to develop some kick-ass games with a couple of friends.

    Looking forward to get some hint&feedback



  • my name is nami. i am 7 years. i love game so much. thank u

  • Hello , i like test a tools to program a videogames, i have many tools, and Construct 2 is great tool, i like

  • Hey guys hello here from Iowa. I heard about Construct 2 from people changing app skins on Fiverr. I can not wait to start my first project.

  • I downloaded Construct 2 a week or two ago and I'm working on developing mechanics for a Mario-style game using assets from Kenny Vleugels. I have some experience using Unity and Scratch and am finding Construct 2 very easy to use in some regards, but a lot of functions get lost in the menus.

  • Hello my name is kholis

    i'm from indonesia,

    last year i'm officialy graduated from university as a bachelor of computer science

    now i'm managing 2 website, here one of it

  • So I've had Construct 2 for a little over a year now and I thought it was time I said hello. Hello everyone!

    A little about myself:

    My name's L.J. Been playing video games since 1988 when I was three years old. Video games became a big part of my life and I eventually went to school to work on games (which hasn't happened yet, closest thing was a QA position with apple) I graduated two years ago from the art institute of california - san francisco with a bachelors of science in media arts & animation. I've been working on a couple projects in Construct 2 since then. My ultimate goal is to have a finished game that I can share with the world that at least one person will enjoy.

    The Construct 2 community has been pretty cool so far and I'm glad that I'm able to be a part of it.

  • Hello!

    My name is Arnaldo and I'm a brazilian Game Developer. I work since 2010 building games. Since then I worked with Unity developing games for Android, iOS, WebGL and desktop applications. My first challenge will be develop a Chatterbot in Construct 2 to export it to HTML5, any tips is welcome

    My best regards,


  • Hey, my name is Tom! I've always enjoyed platforming and couch multiplayer games. I got really into Minecraft a little while ago (errr... years ago -- time goes by so fast ), so I started getting enthusiastic about building things... I love the idea of creating my ideas on a computer, it's just something that rings well with me. I read at first a single Construct 2 tutorial like... Months ago? Anyway, I had computer issues, but before that I experimented around and loved how easy, simple and powerful this game engine is. I came back just yesterday, this time reading like 5 different tutorials, and I loved it. I got all sorts of new information and answer to my questions, and now I'd love to make some cool (but simple, to start) games and maybe toss them in the Arcade. I'm also very technical-minded (if I put in the effort I'm pretty sure I could be a good programmer, and I am in a college Computer Science program) so I'd love to help give advice for anyone's budding game. I look forward to it!

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  • Hi I'm new to this forum and I like to create game by using construct 2. I hope I enjoy the ride. Thank you

  • Hi there scirra, I am InstallsGoogle , I don't really make games, I own a advertising platform for people who game apps for android so people can buy 'installs' for their app to increase their rankings

  • Oi

    Chamo-me Joao e tenho 15 anos. Sou de Portugal.

    Gostava de criar um jogo de design 3d, de casas e decoracao interior e exterior.

    Gostava de fazer isso por gosto.

  • Hello guys, wish me luck

  • Hello world!

    My first game with Construct 2 should be available this week, so I finally decided to write on forum.

  • why hello

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