nightmaretaco's Recent Forum Activity

  • I have no messages? Either the website deleted all of my messages or PM's are still broken.

  • Just a quick update to avoid confusion - the controls are already in the game, I just need a controller setup screen.

    There's pretty much just one big event sheet for "gameplay," then a couple other sheets just for basic screens. So that might need some reorganizing. Thanks! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thank you for the replies! I believe I should be able to find someone from the replies so far, thank you.


    [PAID] Dev for adding Controller Setup & Bug Fixes

    Hoping to find a developer who understands Construct 2 enough to help put in a controller setup menu, fix some bugs in my game, and hopefully clean up the code a little bit.

    The controller setup will be something like this:

    • Controller setup menu can be guided by mouse, WASD, or controller 1.
    • Decide how many players (1-4).
    • Game detects keyboard, mouse, or controller plugged in.
    • That detected device gets added to the "pool" of selectable devices.
    • Decide which device will be used for each player. Keyboard will have four options: WASD, up/down/left/right, TFGH, or IJKL. Up to four controllers can be connected.
    • Selected device will need to follow that player throughout the game.

    If this sounds like something you or your team can handle, PM me a quote and time estimate.

    All assets are already added into the project. Detailed wireframes will explain how everything should run, including what bugs are currently plaguing my project.

    Your name(s) will be added into the credits as well. Payment via Paypal is preferred.

  • Hello,

    I have an interesting issue I'm trying to figure out with physics.

    I'd like one object (ball) to spin around a stationary object (screw). The ball can pushed towards the screw with four different blocks - if timed correctly. Then it will fall back to that maximum distance from the screw. I'm not sure how to get this working. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    General idea is downloadable from here:

    The arrows give extra velocity to the ball, but I'd rather the velocity be constant (the ball will stop when hitting the blocks, but then will start up again once the block is lowered).

    Does that make sense? Thanks for your help!

  • Any updates? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Does OUYA have a web browser that could point to an HTML5 game? And do buttons get recognized in my sample?

  • PhoneGap buttons are mapped to the standard Android controller which is crummy.

    0,1 is cancel and leaves the app

    3, acts as 0

    4, acts as 1

    left analog is not working

    and there are others that just don't work so well.

    Ugh, that's horrible. Hopefully there's some way around this... I haven't tried Game Closure, so I'd be interested to hear how that goes.

    In regards to CocoonJS vs. PhoneGap... performance-wise I didn't test them out, but I was just put off by the automatic requests for ALL Android permissions. I'm not the first to see this, though...

    The wrapper for PhoneGap seems to be much smaller, too. The size for my extremely tiny app, pushed through PhoneGap ended up being 1.8 MB, while in CocoonJS it ended up being 6.1 MB.

    Of course, CocoonJS seems to offer a lot more for their "free" option. Bleh. Anyway, none of this is OUYA specific, it's just what I noticed.

  • Hey, so I've put together some very quick tests for the Ouya. I won't get an Ouya until April, so I can't test 'em! Can anyone help out?

    I'm mostly wondering IF gamepad events get recognized, and if so, which gamepad indexes relate to which Ouya buttons.

    If you'd like to help, could you run these test apps? Let us know if they run at all, and which buttons/axes related to which buttons/axes.

    Here's an HTML5 test:

    Here are the APKs, published through CocoonJS and PhoneGap.

    (edit: there's a simple capx here too)

    I'm new to Android native code, so even though I included all necessary ODK files, I'm not sure if I did the appropriate magic to get the apps recognized on an Ouya.

    Other notes: so far, I'm impressed with PhoneGap, but confused with CocoonJS. Why does it automatically add ALL permission requests? It's ridiculous lol.

    I know some game designers out there have gotten C2 games on the Ouya... but I haven't seen any open source help yet. :-) Anyway, here's hoping we're one step closer to seeing more Construct 2 games on the Ouya.

    Thanks! <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • This is awesome. I'm extremely interested in seeing your source. Do all buttons and everything get recognized? I won't get an Ouya until April unfortunately.

  • Corona, an amazing tool for developing for Android, has stated they are planning to release Ouya functionality. I'd rather play around with Construct events than program in Lua, but it's a good option. Ouya is basically just an Android system. If we can figure out the input stuff, we'll be golden. Trying to do that right now lol... :-/

  • Hey! We've just released the "Mini Book" for Ancient Axes: Heroes on Paper on the Scirra Arcade! Control two heroes at once to slay monsters and finish an epic story.

    Play it in the Scirra Arcade:

    We're attempting to bring a bigger version of the game to the OUYA ( (as a launch title no less), and later to Windows, Mac, & Linux. We hope to create an action-packed puzzler for solo players or an action-stuffed thrill ride for 2-4 players. We're trying bring back the successful couch and arcade co-op from the lost 1980's legends like Gauntlet and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and at the same time inject some unique paper-style art influenced from the likes of the Paper Mario series.

    To do this, we have launched a Kickstarter. This will help us grab the full version of Construct 2, but it will also show us that people actually want to play the game. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> The more excitement there is for the game (the better the Kickstarter does), the more we can put into the title.

    The Kickstarter (only $1 for the full game!):

    Other ways you can help: Help us with our chance to win the #myouyagame contest (early developer's console!) by retweeting this tweet:

    This will obviously help us make sure Construct 2 works well with OUYA. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> If we can grab a dev console, we'll make sure to let everyone know what Construct 2 games look like on an OUYA!

    You can also follow us on Facebook:

    or Twitter:

    or on our official site:

    So, why Construct 2? I first started using it just to create a concept - but the engine proved to be powerful than I initially thought. It looks like it will take us pretty far. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Thankfully, C2 is pretty open ended, so if we get stuck, we can just add some Javascript. Will it work with OUYA? Well, it works with Android, so it should! If we get a developer's console we'll let you know ASAP - otherwise, we'll let you know early next year how it performs with the OUYA dev kit!

    The first thing that impressed me about Construct 2 is something really simple... it was the very smooth 8-directional movement. Getting something like that just right means a lot. Of course how very simple it was to put a full project together was also fantastic. The lifetime license was another big factor (pretty rare in game development).

    So, any questions? Wondering how I did something in the game? Feedback? Other words you can't help but say? I welcome a discussion. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    -Dan J. and the rest of Planet Io

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • Ancient Axes: Heroes on Paper


    See it in the Scirra Arcade:

    Currently at $23.00 of $130 goal

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Member since 11 Oct, 2012

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