nightmaretaco's Recent Forum Activity

  • AHHH I never noticed! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Thanks guys.

  • Nevermind... too many effects. It'd be nice if it told me that lol.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Apparently I went over 100 events. Is there a counter somewhere?

    Now, even if I delete every single event, it still says I'm over the limit. What can I do?

  • "API is available for C++ and .NET on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux" says Awesomium.

    O_O Nice to know they're looking into Linux too. That quote makes it sound like OSX should be available now. Soon is better than never anyway. :)

    Thanks, I didn't realize PC export was through Awesomium, that's very helpful.

  • Does the Personal/Business edition have the ability to publish a game as a Mac app or a Linux program? (Or has anyone used a workaround to do this?)

    Edit: as an actual program, not an HTML5 browser run thing.

  • Okay, that makes sense. I wasn't sure if there was a Facebook-specific way of dealing with data. Your FAQ has been incredibly helpful to me already - so thanks for that and thanks for the reply. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Complicated question about Construct 2's Facebook API...

    Using Construct 2, is it possible to allow one player to visit another player's "world"? Like... how in Farmville you can visit someone else's farm. Does the "world" sit on the game maker's server, or does Facebook take care of it? Are there any guides for this kind of thing?

    Thanks. I don't expect a step by step response, I'm just wondering if it's possible, and maybe where to start. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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Member since 11 Oct, 2012

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