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  • I don't have an example file right now, but here's the basics.

    There's a few different ways to do it depending on your game, so here one way.

    If you want your character to automatically pick up the item when they walk over it then you simply need to use the event "On collision with other object" and pick the player object as its target.

    If you want the player to also have to press a button to pick up the item, then add the keyboard object to your layout, and right click the "on collision with player" event you just created and choose "add another condition" and pick "keyboard" -> on key pressed ->"B"

    So now the action associated with overlapping the weapon on the ground will require the "B" button to also be pressed in order to execute the action.

    Now for the action. Depending on how you want to make your game, you could do a few different things.

    1- the player has its weapon's built into its animation sprites already, and you simply need to switch to a different frame (eg one with him holding his gun) in which case you would use the "set animation" action

    2- The weapon item "pins" itself to the player and follows him wherever he goes. In which case, you need to add the "pin" behaviour to the weapon, and use the "pin to object" action.

    3- Lets say the player always has the same gun, but just fires different bullets depending on which item his picked up. In this case, you would create a instance variable for your player called "currentGun" or something. And for your weapon pickup action you would use the "set value" action to change the player's variable to 1 or 2 or 3 or whatever. Then you could create an event on the player that checks which value that instance variable is, and switch the animation or damage or graphics of the gun to whatever you want.

  • You want to use windowwidth-100 and windowheight-50

  • The preview on lan feature that already exists works really fast.

  • Need to advertise and spread the word about your new game?

    here's a spreadsheet list of review sites (english only) places to let know of your new game


  • spritecutie.com

    drop a sprite sheet onto the window and it and tells you their cordinates

  • Looks fun!, how's the performance on the different devices you've been testing it with?

  • For any of your objects that don't require the most accurate physics calculations, you can tone down their physics interations which is a big performance boost.

    Here's the part of the manual in the physics object


    Set stepping iterations

    Set the number of velocity iterations and position iterations used in the physics engine. The default is 8 and 3 respectively. Lower values run faster but are less accurate, and higher values can reduce performance but provide a more realistic simulation.


  • Here's a great article on monetizing html5 games.


  • Came across this tutorial today. While its made with Multimedia Fusion, the game design mechanics covered can be used the same way in construct. A lot of people have been asking about this type of game recently, so check it out! (he even gives a nod out to construct)


  • Sounds like he wants to make it so that an object with the 8 direction movement behavior doesn't collide with other objects.

    If that's true, (because you want other objects to be able to just not the player. Perhaps you can simply put the player on a different layers than the other objects?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Please post the .capx file.

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