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  • you need another event that specifies what the keyboard should do.

    eg: on keyboard pressed "right arrow" -> move player right

    it sounds like you might have also attached a 8 direction or platform behavior to your arrow sprites instead of the player.

  • I second tobye suggestion. check for "greater than or equal to" and then snap it back to exactly where you want it right afterwards with a "set position" action, visually you shouldn't see that pop.

  • The enemies might be overlapping because their collision boxes are not boxes.

    Open the collision box for the sprite and see what it looks like, its probably using the default "auto guess" shape. Try making it a box. Right click one of the points and chooose "Set to bounding box"

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  • I've been trying to wrap my head around how to simulate jumping in a 2.5D isometric environment for a while now. So I put together this little prototype with the hopes that the community will be able to build upon this concept and help everyone else learn as well.

    I'm hoping there's an easier way to achieve what i'm trying to do here, and I think as a group we can figure it out.



    The idea is basically that when you jump in a 2.5D isometric environment, all you are technically doing is offsetting the players Y position higher than normal from their ground position to appear visually in the air. This works fine if there's no higher platform for them to hop onto. But as you can see its a bit more complicated once that fake 3rd dimension is introduced.

    Arrow Keys to Move + Space to Jump (there are no walk/jump animations)

    How it works:

    The Player Sprite has a Platform Behavior that is pinned to a shadow object which is controlled by 8-Direction movement.

    When the jump key is pressed the player sprite is unpinned from the shadow and jumps into the air.

    The collision on the shadow is turned off while the player is in the air so that the shadow can travel through the crate object. (when its on the ground its used to collide with the crate to make the prop impassable.

    The crate object consists of a front panel, a top panel and a side panel. The front panel sets the height of the box's highest point to set the fake "height" of the crate object.

    The top panel is used to determine when the player has collided with the top of the crate and to create a copy of the shadow sprite to follow the player around simulating the appearance that they are walking on top.

    The full crate sprite is used to determine how the player collides with it while walking around on the ground, as well as used in the Zsorting for when the player walks behind it.

    Once the player has walked off the top panel of the crate, they fall to the ground and re pin to the original shadow once again

    Zsorting is achieved by comparing the X/Y position of the player to 3 different image points on the full crate object and setting its order depending on which condition is true.

    Things that need improvement:

    -Currently you can't jump a second time off the top of the crate.

    -There's a few z sorting issues that cause the player to become invisible

    -When walking off the top of the crate towards the back, the player stats visible until the hit the ground, (should move to back visually sooner)

    -The whole idea is really messy and not easily packaged to be resuable in game in multiple locations.

    Any feedback/ideas/tweaks etc welcome.

    Thanks for the help!

  • Yeah, up on collision with another object matching a "goal" object

    test to see if the type of object is the same as the appropriate goal.

    eg: if the game piece is "red" and the goal is "red" then set a "check" variable to 1 lets say. Then if they get a second one correct in a row. then set the variable 2 , and whenever that variable equals 2, add a point to their score, and reset the variable to 0

    also set it to 0 anytime they screw up and match them incorrectly.

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  • Without having to use 30 different frames of an animation you could create 1 with all 30 heath slots then simply move the sprite backwards 10 pixels each time they loose a live. Hiding the front half behind another icon, or mask it off visually.

    Or make one health tick. Then add as many as needed each time you pick up health or loose heath


    On health added.

    • > loop for current health -> create health tick sprite at previous health tick + 10

    So if the player currently had 20 health points, it would loop 20 times adding another tick visually each time.

  • You can probably make what you are trying to, but i'm not 100% i've seen the type of "simulation" you are trying to make. The front end stuff of course could be done with C2, but im not 100% sure of some of the backend stuff. Either way you could still connect to if you needed to through various different ways using C2 created front ends.

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  • I highly recommend playmaker for Unity, One of the best investments ever. It allows you to hookup complex code without ever having to type anything. You take building blocks similar to construct behaviors and combine them together to make complex logic. Its quite amazing how quickly you can make something.

  • I'll take a look at the .capx when i get home, but i had a similar problem.

    How are you making the character stop moving?

    Try using the "set platform behavior disabled" instead of "stop" and see if that fixes the problem.

  • I imagine you are subtracting the health in an event that is occurring "every tick" instead of just once.

    Try adding a "trigger once while true" as a condition to the event that subtracts the health.

    Sorry i can't look at the capx right this moment.

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