justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • Are player 1 and player 2, different actual players? or are they the being controlled by the same player?

  • I'm not sure I follow you 100%, but you could simply make player 1 change animations to one that looks like player 2 is now in control and have them continue on playing. or even switch controls to a different set of keyboard buttons when they transform into player 2, is that what you want?

  • Ah ok, its the search feature messing me up, i guess i should get used to using that instead. thx


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  • The online browser MMO Glitch that folded a while ago has decided to give all of there artwork away for free under the Creative Commons License (that basically means only personal projects)

    More info here:


    Creative Commons License Info:


    All Assets Here:


    There are TONS of items, sprite sheets and other goodies

    Check it out!

  • Here's an example project for you.


    Example File


    Just like your pseudo code

    You store the UID of the clicked object, and pass that as a parameter to your function. Then you "Pick" all instances that match the same UID as the parameter you passed (originally clicked on) and only apply the actions to that specific matching instance

  • Player On Collision with Coin

    ->Destroy Coin

    ->Add 1 to "Player_Coins" (that's a variable)

  • 2 Quick questions about Families.

    Is it possible to give a unique "health" amount to each seperate object within a family instead of just a Family variable?

    Also, if you put a family within a family, how do you references the second level down objects


    Family: Badguys

    sub family: weak guys


  • I took a look at your capx and you've made some unique choices for the way you have setup your game and there might be some ways to simplify what's going on.

    For the sword swinging i'd recommend simply creating an animation of a sword swinging over a few frames in photoshop or whatever, then shape its collision box in the shape of a pie slice.

    Have the pie piece always aim towards which way the mouse is pointing, and then use "on mouse clicked" play animation "swing" then

    have a second event that looks to see if it hit a bad guy.

    you can make it visible/invisible as needed.

  • If you put all of your baddies into a family called "baddies_family" let say.

    Then select the family in the project list on the right hand side.

    then add a family instance variable eg: health on its properties on the left hand side of the screen.

    then you use

    bullet on collision with "baddies_family"

    ->subtract 5 from "baddies_family" health

    it will only subtract the health from the specific baddie in the family it hit.

  • I think it would be awesome if it were possible to color code specific lines of events or actions to further separate out complex code visually. Perhaps in the right click menu where copy/paste is.

    I could see if useful for situations where perhaps you might use red if you want to visually highlight sections that cause damage, and green where code related to healing might be.

    Just an idea.

  • Yeah you are just putting an object in the foreground with transparent areas that allow you to see through to the background. lots of games do that. but its usually just some foreground trees or something.

  • Ah ok in that case....

    system compare 2 values

    player.x <=200

    --->every tick->set opacity = 100 - (Player.x/2)

    Or to make it a bit more flexible

    set Opacity to (1 - (player.x / xmax)) * 100

    xmax will be a variable set to whatever the maximum distance from the left side of the screen you want the opacity to start going up (eg: 200 in your example) if you need to change it easily elsewhere in your game instead of hard coding that number

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