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  • Objects don't have names that you can store, but you can give them a variable and assign it a value to whatever you want. EG: Objectname.

    Ideally you want to store the UID or (Unique identifier) which each object has. so that you can refer to that specifically later.

    to store it into an array like you wanted to do.

    (system) For each (object) -> (array) set at X = Loopindex, value = (object.UID)

    this will put the UID of each object into the X position of the array as it loops through each object in the scene

  • https://archive.org/details/internetarcade

    The Internet Arcade is a web-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME, part of the JSMESS software package. Containing hundreds of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade provides research, comparison, and entertainment in the realm of the Video Game Arcade.

    Lots of great inspiration!

  • cranberrygame - still can't get it to work

    Here's my steps

    Open your example screen capture example file.

    export it for android crosswalk

    import the build into XDK (1494)

    add the "get plugin from web" and add it as per your instructions

    try and build,

    Plugin installed: Canvas2ImagePlugin (https://github.com/wbt11a/Canvas2ImagePlugin#7ba2044)

    Error: Plugin failed to install: org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin (org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin)

  • On touch - place a dummy object where the player touches,

    then pin your player, to that dummy object

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Simply assign each player a different set of controls to use.

    If you want to get fancy and setup one function to handle all controls you can as well.

    Assign each player a "Player number" variable - 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

    On any key pressed - call function "player action" (keyboard.lastKeyCode") (Player.playernumber)

    Function "player action" ("A", 1)

    If function.param (0) = "A")

    pick player object = function.param(1)

    play animation "punch"

    if function.param(0) = "left arrow"

    pick player object function.param(1)

    move player left

    So basically you are creating a function that will update a players movement/animations

    then telling it which player its effecting

    then you can recycle this function to work with any number of active players and movements. so that you are only coding it once, and splitting its duties among all players inputs

  • Its working smoothly here for me.

    There's a bit of a hiccup when you snap/unsnap to the edges of boxes when you are holding onto them.

    Not sure exactly what's causing that, but you could have the camera scroll to intentionally lag behind the player movement a bit more to help hide that.

  • JLH1964 - Try out the "Andy" android emulator, i've always had more success with that

  • cranberrygame - I get this error while trying to build the test file for the phonegap screen capture plugin

    Plugin installed: Device (org.apache.cordova.device)

    Plugin installed: SplashScreen (org.apache.cordova.splashscreen)

    Plugin installed: Canvas2ImagePlugin (https://github.com/wbt11a/Canvas2ImagePlugin#7ba2044)

    Plugin installed: org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser (org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser)

    Error: Plugin failed to install: org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin (org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin)

  • rexrainbow - the link to the test file on the first post is broken,

    also, no matter what settings i try, it always just draws a long solid line of sprites as a trail. seems like the "pixels per step" feature doesn't work.

    looks like a cool plugin though!

  • You can simply make the box move at the same time as the player by pinning it to him while he touches it while holding the interaction button.

    not sure exactly without any concept of the circumstances

  • jeromeenligne you might also want to check the distance between the two points so that you arn't checking it moving one pixel

    distance( mousestart.x, mousestarty, mouse.x, mouse.y) > 10

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