[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

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Cordova device Info mobile and browser modules detect-gpu
  • Hello cranberrygame

    I believe the AdBuddiz plugin has some issues.

    I was testing with it and find that some times after I dismiss the full screen ads, the screens stays black.

    I though it was because I use AdMob and AdBuddiz at the same time. I try several situations and still.

    You should know that the game doesn't crash, I even can touch some buttons at the borders but there is nothing. its like there is a black area created by the plugin but not destroyed after dismiss the ads.

    it's weird, maybe it's from the AdBuddiz part. you should check that out.

  • cranberrygame - I get this error while trying to build the test file for the phonegap screen capture plugin

    Plugin installed: Device (org.apache.cordova.device)

    Plugin installed: SplashScreen (org.apache.cordova.splashscreen)

    Plugin installed: Canvas2ImagePlugin (https://github.com/wbt11a/Canvas2ImagePlugin#7ba2044)

    Plugin installed: org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser (org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser)

    Error: Plugin failed to install: org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin (org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin)

  • cranberrygame


    Do you have any plans to create a plugin for RevMob ? https://www.revmobmobileadnetwork.com/

    I heard this ad network is much better compared to Admob.

  • hardrockz

    You are welcome.


    I tested and saw the intentional black background. (probably Adbuddiz intetionally did so)

    I felt Not so inconvenience.

    If you think not so desirable, then think about using Leadbolt (SDK) ad.

    Leadbolt's Alert ad seems to very good.


    I tried to build and succeeded to build.

    See my plugin setting: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186 ... 012431.png

    If you did set right, it may be a temporary error caused by internet connection.

    So try again.


    Hey cranberrygame just a quick question, does your IAP plugin work with iOS yet? I've tried it on my iPod touch and keep seeing debug messages pop up and the documentation makes it sound like it's close, so I was wondering if it was nearing completion? If you need any help testing it, I can try to help

    Hi, gizmodude4

    I am ready to restart the IAP ios work as you suggested. (Make IAP ios work)

    If you help me to test on ios real device, I will appreciate


  • tumira

    Added Phonegap RevMob plugin.

    Download from member area.

    Thanks for your nice suggestion.

  • cranberrygame I wonder if you could make a plugin for html5 based web aplications for the camera use... i know you have one for phonegap (which I purchased along with all the others) Also some "wiki" type documentation would be awesome. Sometimes I just like to prepare ahead of time to make my game/aps/etc..

    Thanx for the plugins though.

  • Hi, the Html5 Share Plugin is using the same plugin ID "Share" with 's Share Plugin.

    Maybe it's better to set the plugin ID with the author's ID in front,

    like: cranberrygame_Share and stctr_Share

    And remember to keep the old ID version online for those projects which already had the plugin added.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Long time no see my friend

    please may i asking how i can read user's device identification code?

  • Ragevortex



    I just apply your suggestion to Share.

    Now Share (deprecated) moved to ShareViaSNS.

    Thanks for your notification.


    Hi, friend

    You can use PhonegapDevice.UUID

    According to your request, added Phonegap Device plugin (get device info) just now.


  • cranberrygame - still can't get it to work

    Here's my steps

    Open your example screen capture example file.

    export it for android crosswalk

    import the build into XDK (1494)

    add the "get plugin from web" and add it as per your instructions

    try and build,

    Plugin installed: Canvas2ImagePlugin (https://github.com/wbt11a/Canvas2ImagePlugin#7ba2044)

    Error: Plugin failed to install: org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin (org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin)

  • reposted below

  • Ragevortex



    I just apply your suggestion to Share.

    Now Share (deprecated) moved to ShareViaSNS.

    Thanks for your notification.


    Hi, friend

    You can use PhonegapDevice.UUID

    According to your request, added Phonegap Device plugin (get device info) just now.


    thx dude

  • Sorry

    Would you mind to help me

    I trying to use your paypal plugin to replace IAP

    But all of my APP and Server made by C2

    so..can you make a plugin for nodewebkit/HTML5 for checking paypay Payment ID?

    (I wanna to check user's payment in C2 too)

    (I don't trust client Buy succeeded)

    Thanks a lot!!!

  • fongka2

    Hi, fongka2

    I added that to to-do list.

    And thanks very much for your another donation.

    Thanks again

  • fongka2

    Hi, fongka2

    I added that to to-do list.

    And thanks very much for your another donation.

    Thanks again

    Thankyou so much

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