thatjoshguy's Recent Forum Activity

  • great work here!

  • Reminds me of Star Wars: Rebel Assault, which is both good and bad at the same time <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Updated demo with the changes mentioned in this thread, and a few little touches.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    As you can see it's on chrome, and the zoom factor is 100% though it doesn't really change anything.

    "Movement: Arrow keys or..."

    I don't have the end screen 'cause well... I would have to replay the game (:

    You probably just need to extend the text object's size to be on the safe side.

    That's crazy. Anyone else experiencing this? I haven't been able to duplicate it, so for the time being I'm replacing that page with static images for the text. I'm guessing it's something to do with either the browser's or system's font size, but I just don't know.

  • A question rexrainbow about nodejs server:

    Is it possible to log what's happening on the server, like player names room id's, how many players are online etc.

    Node is Javascript, so in your server side code just do:

    console.log("whatever you want to log here")

    and it will be printed to the console whenever called.

  • Yann

    You probably already thought about this but as a nice mecanism, having to walk slowly/silently (maybe holding shift) when you are just behind an enemy to avoid being "heard" could be a nice addition (:

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm actually doing this in reverse. You walk by default, which is quieter. If you hold shift you can sprint, which will allow you to out-run the guards, but you're a lot louder so you'll end up alerting more guards if you're not careful.

    Also you should probably resize your text object, it seems some words get clipped

    What browser/text size/zoom level are you using? Can you post a screencap in my thread? I haven't seen this behavior myself, but good to know!

    And I didn't understand at first that if the enemies where to close to me in alerted mode I would automagically lose. I think they should just shot you dead (:

    Guard AI is still in the works :)

    Thanks again for all the feedback!

  • Just wanted to say thanks for this plugin. I'm using it in my game SR:OPS (topic here) to create the flashlight. I wanted dynamic lighting, but couldn't get a decent frame rate with the Canvas plugin on a large layout, so I ended up using a ray-casting-like technique to find the vertex position, and then drawing the poly using that data. Since I'm only clearing/drawing on change it has helped a ton!

  • awesome plugin, love the smooth action!

  • So much this ^^^

    only, instead of using "solid" as the picker, I'd say a new behavior "Shadow Caster" that way you can have solids that do not cast shadows as well.

    EDIT: maybe a secondary behavior as well for "accepts shadows"

    Sure there are ways to duplicate this effect now, but they aren't very efficient and having it in WebGL would be awesome and make my life a lot easier.

  • the animated scanline effects on the briefing screen makes me a little bit dizzy though,

    Noted, thanks - I'll slow them down a bit so it's not so striking.

    maybe add a silent takedown mechanics, to bring down guards without noise

    and since it's a stealth mission, don't you think it's better to bring a gun with a silencer?

    Not a bad idea, but I'm trying to gear the game more towards being stealthy and non-lethal. I am rewarding the player for getting in and out without being detected, and punishing them for what in the real world would be murder (the guards are, after all, just doing their jobs.) I hope to emphasize this later in the story. The player is not a cold-hearted killer, they are a trained professional.

    A lot of games are all about action, and often lacking in real-world ethics. Sure, games are great for escapism - but we shouldn't have to kill to be entertained. :)

  • I updated the original post with newer screenshots and a link to the new demo. You can now play through the first level to completion.

    I ended up ditching the noise effect entirely - now that I have some decent art in the game I wanted to be able to see it clearly :)

    New demo link is here.

    edit: Whoops! Forgot to add the code to make it possible to LOSE the game, lol. Link updated.

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  • Thanks for that - I changed the door color, it helps a lot I think.

    I'm think of going with the name "SR:OPS". SR would be short for SUb ROsa (which is already a game name, so I can't just use that as I wanted to).

    Anyway, I added title screen, mission briefs, and some more stuff last night if anyone wishes to track progress :)

    I appreciate the input!

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Member since 2 Oct, 2012

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