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  • Thanks for the tip, I'll try that. Honestly I may like that more anyway, as I want to play with the event data a bit and if I can do that outside of C2 then even better. Don't get me wrong, I like C2 - but sometimes I just wish you could break out into code!

  • Correction: the above does not fix the issue, it just causes the event to only fire once. If i can get an example together with a public server I'll toss it up here

  • I'm not using "on any event" - I'm using "on event recieved" with a named event, i.e. "playerUpdate". When the playerUpdate event is fired from the server, C2 reacts with its event over and over again vs. firing once per event.

    I seem to be able to get around this if I set up my C2 events as:

    • -> Socket| on "playerUpdate" recieved || Socket|Split Data Received
      • -> Socket| Is Data Available? || (do my actions here)

    ...but this seems to be quite a few extra steps. Why can't I just call my events directly after "on "whatever" recieved?

  • question about this plugin: when i use the "on event recieved" event, which ever action I have used it for gets spammed. For example, if my servers sends event "newPlayer", and in my game code I tell it to create a new sprite, it creates a new sprite every tick even though the event is only fired on the server once. I'm using the latest beta C2.

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  • Would it be possible to add a "fill path with gradient" command to this plugin?

  • Hate to revive an old thread, but as I was looking to do the same thing this may help others:

    I found simple way to do this based on the discussion in this thread:

    I simply added a click event on my "bomb", with an "apply impulse towards position" action on my crates using this formula:

    Impulse: -bombForce/distance(bomb.X,bomb.Y,crate.X,crate.y)^2
    X: bomb.X
    Y: bomb.Y
    Image point: 0

    where "bombForce" is a variable that can be adjusted to suit your needs (I used 250). Works a treat!

  • ok, so i may have accidentally fixed it... i resized all the wall sprites to 32x32 (the astar cedll size is set to 16) and made sure they all overlapped... this actually fixes the walking through walls part, but i still get the error at the end

  • I'm having trouble with this plugin :( could someone take a look at this capx and tell me why my enemy is walking through walls? It works in another file, but for some reason it won't work here...

    mouse = flashlight

    arrow keys = player movement

    when you get into the red guy's field of vision he will chase you... right through walls. Also, when he DOES reach the player, there's an error :(

    I'd appreciate any help you may be able to provide, I'm loving Construct 2!

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Member since 2 Oct, 2012

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