You probably already thought about this but as a nice mecanism, having to walk slowly/silently (maybe holding shift) when you are just behind an enemy to avoid being "heard" could be a nice addition (:
Thanks for the feedback! I'm actually doing this in reverse. You walk by default, which is quieter. If you hold shift you can sprint, which will allow you to out-run the guards, but you're a lot louder so you'll end up alerting more guards if you're not careful.
Also you should probably resize your text object, it seems some words get clipped
What browser/text size/zoom level are you using? Can you post a screencap in my thread? I haven't seen this behavior myself, but good to know!
And I didn't understand at first that if the enemies where to close to me in alerted mode I would automagically lose. I think they should just shot you dead (:
Guard AI is still in the works :)
Thanks again for all the feedback!