I looked briefly at this and I didn't like it because it felt like I wasn't in control. In stencyl, I built my platforming by setting up logic for when I'm on the ground, when I'm in the air, every step of the way, what happens -- for example, if I'm jumping upwards and let go of the jump button, I'd set my Y speed to a third of itself for fine height control.. I plugged in the prebuilt platforming behavior in C2 and I honestly wasn't sure where to begin if I wanted to start modifying it. what if I wanted to start adding more aerial maneuvers or even do the aforementioned "make the jump stop going upward if I let go of the jump button"?
My game is a game that goes beyond run and jump, there are a number of special abilities that need to be implemented, so I think I need some flexibility.
You can do all that with the platform behavior. Check this example I made.