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  • I have a tilemap where each different tile will have different strings attached to it, like a name string and a description string.

    It would be nice to have instance variables attached to each tile but I don't think that's possible.

    Should I have a dictionary or array store this information and match it to the tile or is there a better way to do this?


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  • Wow, I feel silly. Going to leave this up incase it helps anyone in the future.

  • Hello,

    I am having a weird error. I'm making my own text input window using sprite fonts. Everything works pretty well except one thing:

    Whenever I have a "[" anywhere in the text followed by a "]", everything in-between and the brackets themselves get erased. As soon as I delete the closing bracket everything returns. I assume this is something in the engine reading the brackets and not liking it.

    Any help on how to circumvent this is greatly appreciated.

    If I wasn't clear or you need an example uploaded, please let me know.

  • newt

    Oh man, I feel silly. I didn't even try to drop in the same Tilemap. I literally cloned it.

    I made a neat in-game tile editor that works really well for my isometric world so working with two tilemaps won't be an issue.

    Thanks a bunch.

  • Greetings,

    I have a tileset with around 2,600 tiles to use for my terrain. Since it is an isometric tileset, I had to offset two Tilemap objects to get it to work correctly.

    I know it's to early to worry about optimization but having two copies of the 2,600 tiles seems like an unnecessary burden and I would like to know if I can have them use the same tileset, or if Construct does this internally if I clone or copy the Tilemap.

    If not, would using a grid of sprites be a better way to go?

    Thank you for your help.

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  • Color values in Construct are a bit odd. You might have to store just the values as a string and then use rgbEx255(dictionary.get("values")) instead.

    Ah yes, thank you for the reply. Upon looking into it further I'm thinking I can use 'tokenat' and store my values with a separator in the keys. It'll less typing that way, which is a bonus.

  • I am storing sprite colors as rgbEx255 in dictionaries like in the attached screenshot.

    I am able to get the dictionaries loaded up just fine but when I access those values for the color replacer effect I believe it is returning the values as a string instead of the expected color value.

    I'm sure I'm missing something basic about how the rgbEx255 expression is saved so any help is appreciated.

  • You can add condition "Playerbox is NOT moving" to event #4

    That did it. Thanks a bunch!

  • Hello,

    I am trying to make a custom (not the actual custom movement behavior) 8 direction TileMovement system using the mouse for an isometric game. How I have it so far is to set TileMovement grid position to current plus or minus X and Y grid cells when the right mouse is pressed.

    It works great unless I change directions halfway to the next tile, in which case I get off the grid and then snap back onto it when I'm done moving. That makes the animations weird and probably grid collisions and triggers that I'm going to use later on when I get that far.

    I've tried various wait actions at the end of each movement actions to no avail. Any help or ideas in the right directions would be greatly appreciated.

    I'll attach a screenshot as well as I'm not super familiar with Google Drive's sharing. The copy I uploaded has placeholder graphics instead of the animations to keep it simple.


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