How do I use the same tileset for multiple tilemaps?

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  • Greetings,

    I have a tileset with around 2,600 tiles to use for my terrain. Since it is an isometric tileset, I had to offset two Tilemap objects to get it to work correctly.

    I know it's to early to worry about optimization but having two copies of the 2,600 tiles seems like an unnecessary burden and I would like to know if I can have them use the same tileset, or if Construct does this internally if I clone or copy the Tilemap.

    If not, would using a grid of sprites be a better way to go?

    Thank you for your help.

  • You can have multiple instances of the same Tilemap object.

    Just like Sprites you have to pick the instance to manipulate it.

    They share the same texture just like Sprites as well.

    Hard to say if I would recommend it since multiple Tilemap instances are so hard to edit in editor.

    Tiled Backgrounds, and Sprites may be a better method in the long run.

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  • newt

    Oh man, I feel silly. I didn't even try to drop in the same Tilemap. I literally cloned it.

    I made a neat in-game tile editor that works really well for my isometric world so working with two tilemaps won't be an issue.

    Thanks a bunch.

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