Hello, I have been trying to figure this one out with not luck, I imagine it´s something simple, but I just can´t find how to do it.
I have three instances of the same text with variables ID:1, ID2, and ID3
and three intances of the same sprite with variables position:500, position:600 and position: 800 and ID:1, ID:2 and ID:3
I´d like to set the texts over the boxes using the boxes variable. Is this possible?
I have tried for each text, set x to boxes.position but it sends every text to the same box.
and also, compare text id, set position to, box.position but, I cannot specify wich one.
any ideas?
This is my file dropbox.com/scl/fi/7o5ngxdda93yi4a79nck2/instance-variables-positions.c3p
Thanks in advance!