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Timer in milliseconds (using the date plugin)
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This small demonstration shows how to use the date plugin to create a timer that shows milliseconds. It uses the Date.Now() function that replaces unixtime. Con...

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How to count time between game sessions?
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For my game I am trying to create a system that count gameplay time and if the player plays more than lets say 4 hours then negative buffs will be applied until...

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How do I convert unixtime in readable date format
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That's what I have right now. The year is correct, but the month isn't. If the date is like may 1º it gets 3. Months. ->DataV = 2019.05.01. -> System: Set unixD...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I implement a Date Picker?
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I'm developing an app, which tells you many days it has been since you had, and I'm having a problem designing a Date Picker. Is there any of you who have alrea...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I decide on one winner per day?
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I have a campaign oriented game at hand and I am working on the functionalities as follows: - player enters information at the beginning of the game. - one winn...

posted 5 years ago
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I want to use the current "date" in my C3 game as a string. Apparently there's a solution to this, that is 4 years old, using Javascript or other 2 year old plu...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I use the new Date plugin
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I want to show in an object Text the actual month using the new Date plug-in of beta R201 but when I take the expression, show me that error. I tried deleting T...

posted 4 years ago
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What I need to do is to get the time user was away ( Elapsed time ) , I already get it with pluging date using date.Now , so it brings a big number : 1598578778...

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Date Plugin - From web or device clock?
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So, I'm wondering where does the date plugin gets its date from. From a resource online, or from the user's machine? If it is the later, I have content locked b...

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I've been going over the next step in my project trying to come up with an approach in theory first, to think about implications and potential of different appr...

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