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  • Hi Ashley / Tom / Construct Team

    I have a question for you guys. I've looked around and tried using various techniques but can't get this to work properly.

    I'm trying to make a a little popup which bounces in to the screen (elastic type effect). This is easy enough to do when you have a single graphic, however when I have YES/NO buttons attached to the popup, this gets very problematic.

    Basically the only way I can think of is using the pin behavior, which really isn't suitable for this, as it doesn't change scale relative to the object it is pinned to.

    I've talked about containers before, (not the type Construct has, but ones like in Phaser / Corona and other engines), and I think you guys are possibly working on this as a future addition. As it stands tho, this seems to be something that is impossible to achieve with Construct 3 (unless using some very complex workaround).

    Thank you in advance for looking at my question :)

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  • Cool game! Just downloaded it on iPhone SE and it plays really well + I love all the little touches

  • Looks and feels very cool! The only thing for the future - allow custom controls. I personally find WASD for platformers quite awkward. I'd prefer to use arrow keys and and maybe Z for jump and X for shoot

  • Hi guys

    I’m genuinely struggling with getting Player Data / saving game progress working with Facebook Instant Games.

    I’ve followed the instructions and double checked many times, but nothing.

    How much would it cost for someone to make a tiny example for me?

    Thanks I’m advance

  • Hi guys

    Any idea why I'm getting this message? Everything was fine with uploading until last night ...

    "The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi twg

    Thank you for the reply, and thanks again for the steps you’ve listed. I really appreciate any help I get

    I must be doing something wrong as I can’t seem to make it work when testing my game on Instant Games.

    I’m going to play around with it some more to see if I’m making a mistake somewhere.

  • Hi twg

    While I appreciate your help, I feel a little bit of hostility coming from you reply.

    [quote:2474dok7]You have literally been told how to use the Dictionary object with Instant Games twice in the same thread(JSON) AND linked to the Dictionary documentation which explains the expression for saving/loading a Dictionary as JSON.

    I've followed the previous instructions and I can't seem to save progress even though I've tried a few different setups.

    If you feel like it's too much of a bother to help people who might be struggling with a certain feature, that I would suggest leaving it up to someone else to provide help, instead of making the person asking, feel like a hindrance.

    There is no manual entry on how to use the instant games plugin and I feel like I might be missing a step somewhere, which is preventing my setup from working.

    I've asked for help politely, so it would be nice if the replies were kept the same.

    Thank you

  • Hi twg / Renfd

    Thank you for the tip! I'm however really struggling to understand how to use the 'dictionary' object together with 'Instant Games' and 'get player data / set player data'.

    There don't seem to be any options that allow me to link the 2 together.

    If somebody could help explain in a little better, that would be AWESOME!

    I've literally tried every possible combo I could think of.

    Thank you in advance guys

  • stuatk - I don't use a loader layout and setting loading style to nothing.

    As far as the loading screen and icon - these come from the images you upload to your instant game setup (on Facebook).

    I'm testing my game right now and it works

  • Hi Renfd

    Thanks for the tip, however I'm having trouble getting it to work. Any chance you could list the order of events to use ?

    Currently I'm using ...

    On start of layout -> InstantGames / load player data

    on player data loaded -> set bestScore to InstantGames.PlayerData

    to save data I'm trying ...

    InstantGames / Set player data to score

    Asfaik - there is no way of checking if player data has any value.

    Thank you in advance for any help

  • Hey guys

    Just wondering if you have any thought on how you would deal with this.

    For Facebook Instant Games, would it be better to use local storage or somehow utilise the Facebook leaderboards to store progress etc.

    Using local storage means that a player can’t keep progress between devices.

    If info could be pulled from a Facebook leaderboard, they technically could.

    Is this doable?

    Thanks for any input

  • newt - I knew there was something going on, but didn't think it was this bad! Oh well, let's hope

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