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  • Hi Guys

    Just wondering whether anybody might have any ideas on how I would change the 'Fullscreen Mode' on startup, depending whether you're on Desktop or a Phone.

    On iOS and Android, I would like to use 'Scale Outer', while on Desktop 'Letterbox Scale'.

    Is there a way to do this in C3?

    Thank you very in advance much for any tips :)

  • Hi Ashley birdboy

    It took me a VERY long time lol, but I managed to get a scenario where the problem occurs in a minimal setting.

    The fading / crazy opacity issues occur, when there is an object with an 'Overlay' effect present (even if it's just in the library).

    I'm putting together a minimal bug report, but I'm happy I've managed to get to the point, I know what is causing the issue.

  • Hi Ashley Tom or anyone else having these issues

    I'm having some major problems with fading / opacity and I have no idea what is causing it.

    When I completely strip it down to basics, the fades work, however when I test it inside my game - no matter what I do the fade do not listen - even in an empty scene.

    Instead of just doing a fade Out for example (as selected), it also does a fade In.

    I do not know how to bug test this as I have no idea what is causing it.

    There are no plugins and this happens in an empty scene (inside my game).

    Any ideas or help would be awesome, as I have no idea what to do.

    PS. This does not happen on Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) - Only on iOS and Mac Safari

    Thank you!

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  • Ashley - Thank you everything works with r121 :)

  • Hi Ashley

    Thank you for the reply, I've submitted the issue :)

  • This game looks amazing!

  • Hi Ashley Tom

    I'm happy to provide the project to illustrate the issue. My question is however - normally you ask people to strip the project down to the bare minimum.

    It is very difficult for me to do that, as I would have to sit here for a long time removing bits and pieces until/if I would find what is causing the issue. I know it's not my logic or a plugin, as it work fine in Chrome and no plugins are used. This is why I posted the error message.

    If you are happy for me to provide the project as is (simple empty game template with ui stuff), then I'll happily post a bug report.

    I'm just worried it will be rejected.

    Please let me know :)

  • Hi Jellyweaver

    The most common resolution people use for HTML5 games would probably be 640x960 (Portrait).

    The reason for portrait is, that if you want your game playable on a mobile browser, it is less intrusive and there is no danger of browser bars minimizing your game (as in landscape).

    It is also debatable, that more people use their phones in Portrait mode and prefer casual games that way.

    If you're not designing for the browser, and instead want to release an App, then it is up to you whether you choose Portrait or Landscape, and will largely depend on the game you are making.

    There are very successful games in both orientations.

    The third option is to make your game responsive, and playable in both orientations. This however opens up a whole new can of worms, as you have to adjust your menus and game assets dynamically, so they best fit the screen in the given orientation.

    Hope this helps :)

  • Hi guys / Ashley / Tom

    I'm stuck on 100% but that's it using Mac Safari. The test works fine on Chrome / PC.

    Anyone else getting this?

    TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'e["type"]') --- runtime.js:1:5033

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi WackyToaster

    Thank you for your reply :)

    Still seems a little hackish to me, so it would be great to hear from devs who might have a better way to handle this.

  • It’s been quite a few days since I’ve posted this, so just gonna bump this topic and see if somebody from the Construct team notices :)

  • Hi guys

    I'm working on a pause menu, and having a small issue.

    I can easily pause the game and show some icons for sound control and resuming the game.

    I'm however having an issue with the resuming part.

    I'm using a 'Paused' Boolean to test whether the game is in a paused / up-paused state, but if I have any interactive buttons/objects directly under the resume button, it gets automatically activated along with the resume button.

    When I touch resume I make 'Paused' = false and hide the pause layer, yet any buttons directly under the resume button (on the game layer) are also activated.

    To counteract this, I'm adding a small pause (0.0001) after hiding the Pause layer, before making Pause = false. This stops the buttons beneath the resume button being activated.

    This works fine, but feels very 'hackish', and I'm wondering whether the is a proper/better way to do this.

    Thank you in advance!

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