I actually had some weird issues with memory increases / game crashing after a while while running. I (think/hope) i solved them primarily just by making sure of a few things. Sorry if this is n00b stuff, but I am still teaching myself this ***** so maybe it helps someone else, if not you specifically
1) Any of my 'counter' variables either global or instance variables would always stop at a certain amount. So if i had a 'cooldown' or something I'd make sure it only subtracts until it hit 0, then it just stays at 0. Instead of subtracting 1 every second infinitely.
2) Make sure sprites leaving the layout are destroyed or at least 'held' in place instead of infinitely travelling off screen. When i first started there was a lot of out of sight = out of mind... it wasnt until i saw sprites with positions of -1777477x by -28838884y that i realized maybe those were adding to the problem
Honestly after a session of cleaning all that stuff up I solved pretty much everyones complaints about crashes / high memory use over time.
I have lots of music in Cosmochoria too... About 30+ tracks & doesnt seem to be a huge issue ATM.