[SOLVED]2 instances of C2 open at the same time?

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  • Hello World,

    Is there any danger in having 2 instances of C2 open at the same time? One where I work in, and another where I consult a tutorial for example? Any chance of anything getting... "transferred" for lack of a better word, or bugs popping up, etc. Any chance of anything going wrong at all?

    Thank you.

  • Should be fine. I've had three open at once in the past.

  • It fine to do as they run as separate instances

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  • I do this all the time, never had a problem. Be careful though, because you can also open two projects in the same instance, which can lead to all kinds of confusion. Not even sure why that's a permitted behavior.

  • Ok, thank you very much guys.

  • You can open two, three, four... but never five! NEVER FIVE.

    (Just kidding)

  • You can even copy/paste events from one window to another, assuming the same variables, objects, etc being referenced exist in both projects. Its super handy for restoring a broken mess from experimenting with your old working version.

    As a super helpful tip, i ALWAYS (now) change the theme of the 'temporary' or 'reference' project to something dark / drastically different to my main 'WORKING' code... especially in the case of referencing between 2 versions of the same code, you dont want to get mixed up and start adding new features to your old version. Having a visual theme is the easiest way to identify which one is which since all the other stuff is almost identical. I learned this the hard way.

  • As a super helpful tip, i ALWAYS (now) change the theme of the 'temporary' or 'reference' project to something dark / drastically different to my main 'WORKING' code... especially in the case of referencing between 2 versions of the same code, you dont want to get mixed up and start adding new features to your old version. Having a visual theme is the easiest way to identify which one is which since all the other stuff is almost identical. I learned this the hard way.

    Oh wow...I like that idea a lot. Because...yeah, I've done that before. Then you really have a mess to sort out.

    Thanks for sharing!

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